
The Request object provides methods generating an elasticsearch request body.



Request ( conf )

Provides methods for generating request bodies.

conf <Object> A configuration object containing the initilization parameters. The following parameters can be set in the conf object: indices - single index name or array of index names types - single type name or array of types routing - the shard routing value


Name Description
query <Object> The internal query object.

Method Summary

Returns Name Description
String_type()The type of ejs object. For internal use only.
Objectagg(agg)Add an aggregation. This method can be called multiple times in order to set multiple nested aggregations that will be executed at the same time as the search request. Alias for the aggregation method.
Objectaggregation(agg)Add an aggregation. This method can be called multiple times in order to set multiple nested aggregations that will be executed at the same time as the search request.
Objectexplain(trueFalse)Enable/Disable explanation of score for each search result.
Objectfacet(facet)Allows you to set the specified facet on this request object. Multiple facets can be set, all of which will be returned when the search is executed.
Objectfields(s)By default, searches return full documents, meaning every property or field. This method allows you to specify which fields you want returned. Pass a single field name and it is appended to the current list of fields. Pass an array of fields and it replaces all existing fields.
Objectfilter(filter)Allows you to set a specified filter on this request object.
Objectfrom(f)A search result set could be very large (think Google). Setting the from parameter allows you to page through the result set by making multiple request. This parameters specifies the starting result/document number point. Combine with size() to achieve paging.
Objecthighlight(h)Performs highlighting based on the Highlight settings.
ObjectindexBoost(index,boost)Boosts hits in the specified index by the given boost value.
ObjectminScore(min)Filters out search results will scores less than the specified minimum score.
ObjectpartialField(oPartialField)Control what part of the _source will be loaded based on PartialField.
Objectpost_filter(filter)Allows you to set a specified post_filter on this request object.
Objectquery(someQuery)Allows you to set the specified query on this search object. This is the query that will be used when the search is executed.
Objectrescore(r)Once a query executes, you can use rescore to run a secondary, more expensive query to re-order the results.
ObjectscriptField(oScriptField)Computes a document property dynamically based on the supplied ScriptField.
Objectsize(s)Sets the number of results/documents to be returned. This is set on a per page basis.

Sets the sorting for the query. This accepts many input formats.

sort() - The current sorting values are returned.
sort(fieldName) - Adds the field to the current list of sorting values.
sort(fieldName, order) - Adds the field to the current list of sorting with the specified order. Order must be asc or desc.
sort(ejs.Sort) - Adds the Sort value to the current list of sorting values.
sort(array) - Replaces all current sorting values with values from the array. The array must contain only strings and Sort objects.

Multi-level sorting is supported so the order in which sort fields are added to the query requests is relevant.

It is recommended to use Sort objects when possible.

Objectsource(includes,excludes)Allows to control how the _source field is returned with every hit. By default operations return the contents of the _source field unless you have used the fields parameter or if the _source field is disabled. Set the includes parameter to false to completely disable returning the source field.
Objectsuggest(s)Allows you to set the specified suggester on this request object. Multiple suggesters can be set, all of which will be returned when the search is executed. Global suggestion text can be set by passing in a string vs. a Suggest object.
Objecttimeout(t)A timeout, bounding the request to be executed within the specified time value and bail when expired. Defaults to no timeout.

This option is valid during the following operations: search and delete by query

StringtoJSON()Retrieves the internal query object. This is typically used by internal API functions so use with caution.
ObjecttrackScores(trueFalse)Enables score computation and tracking during sorting. Be default, when sorting scores are not computed.
Objectversion(trueFalse)Enable/Disable returning version number for each search result.

Method Detail


String _type ( )
The type of ejs object. For internal use only.

the type of object


Object agg ( agg )
Add an aggregation. This method can be called multiple times in order to set multiple nested aggregations that will be executed at the same time as the search request. Alias for the aggregation method.

agg <Aggregation> Any valid Aggregation object.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object aggregation ( agg )
Add an aggregation. This method can be called multiple times in order to set multiple nested aggregations that will be executed at the same time as the search request.

agg <Aggregation> Any valid Aggregation object.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object explain ( trueFalse )
Enable/Disable explanation of score for each search result.

trueFalse <Boolean> true to enable, false to disable
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object facet ( facet )
Allows you to set the specified facet on this request object. Multiple facets can be set, all of which will be returned when the search is executed.

facet <Facet> Any valid Facet object.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object fields ( s )
By default, searches return full documents, meaning every property or field. This method allows you to specify which fields you want returned. Pass a single field name and it is appended to the current list of fields. Pass an array of fields and it replaces all existing fields.

s <String | String[]> The field as a string or fields as array
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object filter ( filter )
Allows you to set a specified filter on this request object.

filter <Object> Any valid Filter object.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object from ( f )
A search result set could be very large (think Google). Setting the from parameter allows you to page through the result set by making multiple request. This parameters specifies the starting result/document number point. Combine with size() to achieve paging.

f <Array> The offset at which to start fetching results/documents from the result set.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object highlight ( h )
Performs highlighting based on the Highlight settings.

h <Highlight> A valid Highlight object
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object indexBoost ( index, boost )
Boosts hits in the specified index by the given boost value.

index <String> the index to boost
boost <Double> the boost value
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object minScore ( min )
Filters out search results will scores less than the specified minimum score.

min <Double> a positive double value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object partialField ( oPartialField )
Control what part of the _source will be loaded based on PartialField.

oPartialField <PartialField> A valid PartialField.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object post_filter ( filter )
Allows you to set a specified post_filter on this request object.

filter <Object> Any valid Filter object.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object query ( someQuery )
Allows you to set the specified query on this search object. This is the query that will be used when the search is executed.

someQuery <Query> Any valid Query object.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object rescore ( r )
Once a query executes, you can use rescore to run a secondary, more expensive query to re-order the results.

r <Rescore> The rescore configuration.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object scriptField ( oScriptField )
Computes a document property dynamically based on the supplied ScriptField.

oScriptField <ScriptField> A valid ScriptField.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object size ( s )
Sets the number of results/documents to be returned. This is set on a per page basis.

s <Integer> The number of results that are to be returned by the search.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object sort ( fieldName )

Sets the sorting for the query. This accepts many input formats.

sort() - The current sorting values are returned.
sort(fieldName) - Adds the field to the current list of sorting values.
sort(fieldName, order) - Adds the field to the current list of sorting with the specified order. Order must be asc or desc.
sort(ejs.Sort) - Adds the Sort value to the current list of sorting values.
sort(array) - Replaces all current sorting values with values from the array. The array must contain only strings and Sort objects.

Multi-level sorting is supported so the order in which sort fields are added to the query requests is relevant.

It is recommended to use Sort objects when possible.

fieldName <String> The field to be sorted by.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object source ( includes, excludes )
Allows to control how the _source field is returned with every hit. By default operations return the contents of the _source field unless you have used the fields parameter or if the _source field is disabled. Set the includes parameter to false to completely disable returning the source field.

includes <String | Boolean | String[]> The field or list of fields to include as array. Set to a boolean false to disable the source completely.
excludes <String | String[]> The optional field or list of fields to exclude.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object suggest ( s )
Allows you to set the specified suggester on this request object. Multiple suggesters can be set, all of which will be returned when the search is executed. Global suggestion text can be set by passing in a string vs. a Suggest object.

elasticsearch 0.90
s <String | Suggest> A valid Suggest object or a String to set as the global suggest text.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object timeout ( t )
A timeout, bounding the request to be executed within the specified time value and bail when expired. Defaults to no timeout.

This option is valid during the following operations: search and delete by query

t <Long> The timeout value in milliseconds.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


String toJSON ( )
Retrieves the internal query object. This is typically used by internal API functions so use with caution.

returns this object's internal object representation.


Object trackScores ( trueFalse )
Enables score computation and tracking during sorting. Be default, when sorting scores are not computed.

trueFalse <Boolean> If scores should be computed and tracked.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object version ( trueFalse )
Enable/Disable returning version number for each search result.

trueFalse <Boolean> true to enable, false to disable
returns this so that calls can be chained.






