
A query that generates the union of documents produced by its subqueries, and that scores each document with the maximum score for that document as produced by any subquery, plus a tie breaking increment for any additional matching subqueries.



DisMaxQuery ( )
A query that generates the union of documents produced by its subqueries such as termQuerys, phraseQuerys, boolQuerys, etc.

Method Summary

Returns Name Description
String_type()The type of ejs object. For internal use only.
Objectboost(boost)Sets the boost value for documents matching the Query.
Objectqueries(qs)Updates the queries. If passed a single Query, it is added to the list of existing queries. If passed an array of Queries, it replaces all existing values.

The tie breaker value.

The tie breaker capability allows results that include the same term in multiple fields to be judged better than results that include this term in only the best of those multiple fields, without confusing this with the better case of two different terms in the multiple fields.

Default: 0.0.

StringtoJSON()Retrieves the internal query object. This is typically used by internal API functions so use with caution.

Method Detail


String _type ( )
The type of ejs object. For internal use only.

the type of object


Object boost ( boost )
Sets the boost value for documents matching the Query.

boost <Double> A positive double value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object queries ( qs )
Updates the queries. If passed a single Query, it is added to the list of existing queries. If passed an array of Queries, it replaces all existing values.

qs <Query | Query[]> A single Query or an array of Queries
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object tieBreaker ( tieBreaker )

The tie breaker value.

The tie breaker capability allows results that include the same term in multiple fields to be judged better than results that include this term in only the best of those multiple fields, without confusing this with the better case of two different terms in the multiple fields.

Default: 0.0.

tieBreaker <Double> A positive double value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


String toJSON ( )
Retrieves the internal query object. This is typically used by internal API functions so use with caution.

returns this object's internal query property.






