
A multi-bucket aggregation that works on geo_point fields and conceptually works very similar to the range aggregation. The user can define a point of origin and a set of distance range buckets. The aggregation evaluate the distance of each document value from the origin point and determines the buckets it belongs to based on the ranges (a document belongs to a bucket if the distance between the document and the origin falls within the distance range of the bucket).



GeoDistanceAggregation ( name )

Aggregation that works on geo_point fields and conceptually works very similar to the range aggregation.

name <String> The name which be used to refer to this aggregation.

Method Summary

Returns Name Description
String_type()The type of ejs object. For internal use only.
Objectagg(agg)Add a nesated aggregation. This method can be called multiple times in order to set multiple nested aggregations what will be executed at the same time as the parent aggregation. Alias for the aggregation method.
Objectaggregation(agg)Add a nesated aggregation. This method can be called multiple times in order to set multiple nested aggregations what will be executed at the same time as the parent aggregation.
Objectcenter(p)Sets the point of origin from where distances will be measured. Same as origin.
ObjectdistanceType(type)How to compute the distance. Valid values are: plane, arc, sloppy_arc, and factor.

Sets the field to gather terms from.

Objectkeyed(trueFalse)Enable the response to be returned as a keyed object where the key is the bucket interval.
Objectorigin(p)Sets the point of origin from where distances will be measured.
Objectpoint(p)Sets the point of origin from where distances will be measured. Same as origin.
Objectrange(from,to,key)Adds a range to the list of exsiting range expressions.

Retrieves the internal agg object. This is typically used by internal API functions so use with caution.

Objectunit(unit)Sets the distance unit. Valid values are: in, yd, ft, km, NM, mm, cm, mi, and m.

Method Detail


String _type ( )
The type of ejs object. For internal use only.

the type of object


Object agg ( agg )
Add a nesated aggregation. This method can be called multiple times in order to set multiple nested aggregations what will be executed at the same time as the parent aggregation. Alias for the aggregation method.

agg <Aggregation> Any valid Aggregation object.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object aggregation ( agg )
Add a nesated aggregation. This method can be called multiple times in order to set multiple nested aggregations what will be executed at the same time as the parent aggregation.

agg <Aggregation> Any valid Aggregation object.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object center ( p )
Sets the point of origin from where distances will be measured. Same as origin.

p <GeoPoint> A valid GeoPoint object
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object distanceType ( type )
How to compute the distance. Valid values are: plane, arc, sloppy_arc, and factor.

type <String> The execution type as a string.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object field ( field )

Sets the field to gather terms from.

field <String> a valid field name..
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object keyed ( trueFalse )
Enable the response to be returned as a keyed object where the key is the bucket interval.

trueFalse <Boolean> to enable keyed response or not
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object origin ( p )
Sets the point of origin from where distances will be measured.

p <GeoPoint> A valid GeoPoint object
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object point ( p )
Sets the point of origin from where distances will be measured. Same as origin.

p <GeoPoint> A valid GeoPoint object
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object range ( from, to, key )
Adds a range to the list of exsiting range expressions.

from <String> The start value, use null to ignore
to <String> The end value, use null to ignore.
key <String> Optional key/bucket name for keyed responses.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


String toJSON ( )

Retrieves the internal agg object. This is typically used by internal API functions so use with caution.

returns this object's internal object.


Object unit ( unit )
Sets the distance unit. Valid values are: in, yd, ft, km, NM, mm, cm, mi, and m.

unit <Number> the unit of distance measure.
returns this so that calls can be chained.






