
A query that is parsed using Lucene's default query parser. Although Lucene provides the ability to create your own queries through its API, it also provides a rich query language through the Query Parser, a lexer which interprets a string into a Lucene Query.

See the Lucene Query Parser Syntax for more information.



QueryStringQuery ( qstr )
A query that is parsed using Lucene's default query parser.

qstr <String> A valid Lucene query string.

Method Summary

Returns Name Description
String_type()The type of ejs object. For internal use only.
ObjectallowLeadingWildcard(trueFalse)Sets whether or not wildcard characters (* and ?) are allowed as the first character of the Query. Default: true.
Objectanalyzer(analyzer)Sets the analyzer name used to analyze the Query object.
ObjectanalyzeWildcard(trueFalse)Sets whether or not we should attempt to analyzed wilcard terms in the Query. By default, wildcard terms are not analyzed. Analysis of wildcard characters is not perfect. Default: false.
ObjectautoGeneratePhraseQueries(trueFalse)Sets whether or not we should auto generate phrase queries *if* the analyzer returns more than one term. Default: false.
Objectboost(boost)Sets the boost value for documents matching the Query.
ObjectdefaultField(fieldName)Sets the default field/property this query should execute against.
ObjectdefaultOperator(op)Set the default Boolean operator. This operator is used to join individual query terms when no operator is explicity used in the query string (i.e., this AND that). Defaults to OR.
ObjectenablePositionIncrements(trueFalse)Sets whether or not position increments will be used in the Query. Default: true.
Objectescape(trueFalse)If they query string should be escaped or not.
Objectfields(fieldNames)A set of fields/properties this query should execute against. Pass a single value to add to the existing list of fields and pass an array to overwrite all existing fields. For each field, you can apply a field specific boost by appending a ^boost to the field name. For example, title^10, to give the title field a boost of 10.
ObjectfuzzyMaxExpansions(max)Sets the max number of term expansions for fuzzy queries.
ObjectfuzzyMinSim(minSim)Set the minimum similarity for fuzzy queries. Default: 0.5.
ObjectfuzzyPrefixLength(fuzzLen)Sets the prefix length for fuzzy queries. Default: 0.
ObjectfuzzyRewrite(m)Sets fuzzy rewrite method. Valid values are: constant_score_auto - tries to pick the best constant-score rewrite method based on term and document counts from the query scoring_boolean - translates each term into boolean should and keeps the scores as computed by the query constant_score_boolean - same as scoring_boolean, expect no scores are computed. constant_score_filter - first creates a private Filter, by visiting each term in sequence and marking all docs for that term top_terms_boost_N - first translates each term into boolean should and scores are only computed as the boost using the top N scoring terms. Replace N with an integer value. top_terms_N - first translates each term into boolean should and keeps the scores as computed by the query. Only the top N scoring terms are used. Replace N with an integer value. Default is constant_score_auto. This is an advanced option, use with care.
Objectlenient(trueFalse)Enables lenient parsing of the query string.
ObjectlowercaseExpandedTerms(trueFalse)Sets whether or not terms from wildcard, prefix, fuzzy, and range queries should automatically be lowercased in the Query since they are not analyzed. Default: true.
ObjectminimumShouldMatch(minMatch)Sets a percent value controlling how many "should" clauses in the resulting Query should match.
ObjectphraseSlop(slop)Sets the default slop for phrases. If zero, then exact phrase matches are required. Default: 0.
Objectquery(qstr)Sets the query string on this Query object.
ObjectquoteAnalyzer(analyzer)Sets the quote analyzer name used to analyze the query when in quoted text.
ObjectquoteFieldSuffix(s)Sets the suffix to automatically add to the field name when performing a quoted search.
Objectrewrite(m)Sets rewrite method. Valid values are: constant_score_auto - tries to pick the best constant-score rewrite method based on term and document counts from the query scoring_boolean - translates each term into boolean should and keeps the scores as computed by the query constant_score_boolean - same as scoring_boolean, expect no scores are computed. constant_score_filter - first creates a private Filter, by visiting each term in sequence and marking all docs for that term top_terms_boost_N - first translates each term into boolean should and scores are only computed as the boost using the top N scoring terms. Replace N with an integer value. top_terms_N - first translates each term into boolean should and keeps the scores as computed by the query. Only the top N scoring terms are used. Replace N with an integer value. Default is constant_score_auto. This is an advanced option, use with care.
ObjecttieBreaker(tieBreaker)Sets the tie breaker value for a Query using DisMax. The tie breaker capability allows results that include the same term in multiple fields to be judged better than results that include this term in only the best of those multiple fields, without confusing this with the better case of two different terms in the multiple fields. Default: 0.0.
StringtoJSON()Retrieves the internal query object. This is typically used by internal API functions so use with caution.
ObjectuseDisMax(trueFalse)Sets whether or not queries against multiple fields should be combined using Lucene's DisjunctionMaxQuery

Method Detail


String _type ( )
The type of ejs object. For internal use only.

the type of object


Object allowLeadingWildcard ( trueFalse )
Sets whether or not wildcard characters (* and ?) are allowed as the first character of the Query. Default: true.

trueFalse <Boolean> A true/false value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object analyzer ( analyzer )
Sets the analyzer name used to analyze the Query object.

analyzer <String> A valid analyzer name.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object analyzeWildcard ( trueFalse )
Sets whether or not we should attempt to analyzed wilcard terms in the Query. By default, wildcard terms are not analyzed. Analysis of wildcard characters is not perfect. Default: false.

trueFalse <Boolean> A true/false value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object autoGeneratePhraseQueries ( trueFalse )
Sets whether or not we should auto generate phrase queries *if* the analyzer returns more than one term. Default: false.

trueFalse <Boolean> A true/false value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object boost ( boost )
Sets the boost value for documents matching the Query.

boost <Double> A positive double value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object defaultField ( fieldName )
Sets the default field/property this query should execute against.

fieldName <String> The name of document field/property.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object defaultOperator ( op )
Set the default Boolean operator. This operator is used to join individual query terms when no operator is explicity used in the query string (i.e., this AND that). Defaults to OR.

op <String> The operator to use, AND or OR.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object enablePositionIncrements ( trueFalse )
Sets whether or not position increments will be used in the Query. Default: true.

trueFalse <Boolean> A true/false value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object escape ( trueFalse )
If they query string should be escaped or not.

trueFalse <Boolean> A true/false value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object fields ( fieldNames )
A set of fields/properties this query should execute against. Pass a single value to add to the existing list of fields and pass an array to overwrite all existing fields. For each field, you can apply a field specific boost by appending a ^boost to the field name. For example, title^10, to give the title field a boost of 10.

fieldNames <Array> A list of document fields/properties.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object fuzzyMaxExpansions ( max )
Sets the max number of term expansions for fuzzy queries.

max <Integer> A positive integer value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object fuzzyMinSim ( minSim )
Set the minimum similarity for fuzzy queries. Default: 0.5.

minSim <Double> A double value between 0 and 1.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object fuzzyPrefixLength ( fuzzLen )
Sets the prefix length for fuzzy queries. Default: 0.

fuzzLen <Integer> A positive integer value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object fuzzyRewrite ( m )
Sets fuzzy rewrite method. Valid values are: constant_score_auto - tries to pick the best constant-score rewrite method based on term and document counts from the query scoring_boolean - translates each term into boolean should and keeps the scores as computed by the query constant_score_boolean - same as scoring_boolean, expect no scores are computed. constant_score_filter - first creates a private Filter, by visiting each term in sequence and marking all docs for that term top_terms_boost_N - first translates each term into boolean should and scores are only computed as the boost using the top N scoring terms. Replace N with an integer value. top_terms_N - first translates each term into boolean should and keeps the scores as computed by the query. Only the top N scoring terms are used. Replace N with an integer value. Default is constant_score_auto. This is an advanced option, use with care.

m <String> The rewrite method as a string.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object lenient ( trueFalse )
Enables lenient parsing of the query string.

trueFalse <Boolean> A boolean value
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object lowercaseExpandedTerms ( trueFalse )
Sets whether or not terms from wildcard, prefix, fuzzy, and range queries should automatically be lowercased in the Query since they are not analyzed. Default: true.

trueFalse <Boolean> A true/false value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object minimumShouldMatch ( minMatch )
Sets a percent value controlling how many "should" clauses in the resulting Query should match.

minMatch <String> A min should match parameter.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object phraseSlop ( slop )
Sets the default slop for phrases. If zero, then exact phrase matches are required. Default: 0.

slop <Integer> A positive integer value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object query ( qstr )
Sets the query string on this Query object.

qstr <String> A valid Lucene query string.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object quoteAnalyzer ( analyzer )
Sets the quote analyzer name used to analyze the query when in quoted text.

analyzer <String> A valid analyzer name.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object quoteFieldSuffix ( s )
Sets the suffix to automatically add to the field name when performing a quoted search.

s <String> The suffix as a string.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object rewrite ( m )
Sets rewrite method. Valid values are: constant_score_auto - tries to pick the best constant-score rewrite method based on term and document counts from the query scoring_boolean - translates each term into boolean should and keeps the scores as computed by the query constant_score_boolean - same as scoring_boolean, expect no scores are computed. constant_score_filter - first creates a private Filter, by visiting each term in sequence and marking all docs for that term top_terms_boost_N - first translates each term into boolean should and scores are only computed as the boost using the top N scoring terms. Replace N with an integer value. top_terms_N - first translates each term into boolean should and keeps the scores as computed by the query. Only the top N scoring terms are used. Replace N with an integer value. Default is constant_score_auto. This is an advanced option, use with care.

m <String> The rewrite method as a string.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object tieBreaker ( tieBreaker )
Sets the tie breaker value for a Query using DisMax. The tie breaker capability allows results that include the same term in multiple fields to be judged better than results that include this term in only the best of those multiple fields, without confusing this with the better case of two different terms in the multiple fields. Default: 0.0.

tieBreaker <Double> A positive double value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


String toJSON ( )
Retrieves the internal query object. This is typically used by internal API functions so use with caution.

returns this object's internal query property.


Object useDisMax ( trueFalse )
Sets whether or not queries against multiple fields should be combined using Lucene's DisjunctionMaxQuery

trueFalse <String> A true/false value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.






