
The histogram facet works with numeric data by building a histogram across intervals of the field values. Each value is rounded into an interval (or placed in a bucket), and statistics are provided per interval/bucket (count and total).

Facets are similar to SQL GROUP BY statements but perform much better. You can also construct several "groups" at once by simply specifying multiple facets.

Tip: For more information on faceted navigation, see this Wikipedia article on Faceted Classification.



HistogramFacet ( name )

A facet which returns the N most frequent terms within a collection or set of collections.

name <String> The name which be used to refer to this facet. For instance, the facet itself might utilize a field named doc_authors. Setting name to Authors would allow you to refer to the facet by that name, possibly simplifying some of the display logic.

Method Summary

Returns Name Description
String_type()The type of ejs object. For internal use only.

Enables caching of the facetFilter


Allows you to reduce the documents used for computing facet results.

Objectfield(fieldName)Sets the field to be used to construct the this facet.
Objectfrom(from)Sets the "from", "start", or lower bounds bucket. For example if you have a value of 1023, an interval of 100, and a from value of 1500, it will be placed into the 1500 bucket vs. the normal bucket of 1000.

Computes values across the entire index

Objectinterval(numericInterval)Sets the bucket interval used to calculate the distribution.
ObjectkeyField(fieldName)Allows you to specify a different key field to be used to group intervals.
ObjectkeyScript(scriptCode)Allows you modify the key field using a script. The modified value is then used to generate the interval.
Objectlang(language)The script language being used. Currently supported values are javascript, groovy, and mvel.

Sets the mode the facet will use.


Sets the path to the nested document if faceting against a nested field.

Objectorder(o)Sets the type of ordering that will be performed on the date buckets. Valid values are: key - the default, sort by the bucket's key value count - sort by the number of items in the bucket total - sort by the sum/total of the items in the bucket
Objectparams(p)Sets parameters that will be applied to the script. Overwrites any existing params.

Computes values across the the specified scope

ObjecttimeInterval(timeInterval)Sets the bucket interval used to calculate the distribution based on a time value such as "1d", "1w", etc.
Objectto(to)Sets the "to", "end", or upper bounds bucket. For example if you have a value of 1023, an interval of 100, and a to value of 900, it will be placed into the 900 bucket vs. the normal bucket of 1000.

Retrieves the internal facet object. This is typically used by internal API functions so use with caution.

ObjectvalueField(fieldName)Allows you to specify a different value field to aggrerate over.
ObjectvalueScript(scriptCode)Allows you modify the value field using a script. The modified value is then used to compute the statistical data.

Method Detail


String _type ( )
The type of ejs object. For internal use only.

the type of object


Object cacheFilter ( trueFalse )

Enables caching of the facetFilter

trueFalse <Boolean> If the facetFilter should be cached or not
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object facetFilter ( oFilter )

Allows you to reduce the documents used for computing facet results.

oFilter <Object> A valid Filter object.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object field ( fieldName )
Sets the field to be used to construct the this facet.

fieldName <String> The field name whose data will be used to construct the facet.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object from ( from )
Sets the "from", "start", or lower bounds bucket. For example if you have a value of 1023, an interval of 100, and a from value of 1500, it will be placed into the 1500 bucket vs. the normal bucket of 1000.

from <Number> the lower bounds bucket value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object global ( trueFalse )

Computes values across the entire index

trueFalse <Boolean> Calculate facet counts globally or not.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object interval ( numericInterval )
Sets the bucket interval used to calculate the distribution.

numericInterval <Number> The bucket interval in which to group values.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object keyField ( fieldName )
Allows you to specify a different key field to be used to group intervals.

fieldName <String> The name of the field to be used.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object keyScript ( scriptCode )
Allows you modify the key field using a script. The modified value is then used to generate the interval.

scriptCode <String> A valid script string to execute.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object lang ( language )
The script language being used. Currently supported values are javascript, groovy, and mvel.

language <String> The language of the script.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object mode ( m )

Sets the mode the facet will use.


m <String> The mode: collector or post.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object nested ( path )

Sets the path to the nested document if faceting against a nested field.

path <String> The nested path
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object order ( o )
Sets the type of ordering that will be performed on the date buckets. Valid values are: key - the default, sort by the bucket's key value count - sort by the number of items in the bucket total - sort by the sum/total of the items in the bucket

o <String> The ordering method: key, count, or total.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object params ( p )
Sets parameters that will be applied to the script. Overwrites any existing params.

p <Object> An object where the keys are the parameter name and values are the parameter value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object scope ( scope )

Computes values across the the specified scope

since elasticsearch 0.90
scope <String> The scope name to calculate facet counts with.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object timeInterval ( timeInterval )
Sets the bucket interval used to calculate the distribution based on a time value such as "1d", "1w", etc.

timeInterval <Number> The bucket interval in which to group values.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object to ( to )
Sets the "to", "end", or upper bounds bucket. For example if you have a value of 1023, an interval of 100, and a to value of 900, it will be placed into the 900 bucket vs. the normal bucket of 1000.

to <Number> the upper bounds bucket value.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


String toJSON ( )

Retrieves the internal facet object. This is typically used by internal API functions so use with caution.

returns this object's internal facet property.


Object valueField ( fieldName )
Allows you to specify a different value field to aggrerate over.

fieldName <String> The name of the field to be used.
returns this so that calls can be chained.


Object valueScript ( scriptCode )
Allows you modify the value field using a script. The modified value is then used to compute the statistical data.

scriptCode <String> A valid script string to execute.
returns this so that calls can be chained.






