solar zenith angle derivations

  1. solar zenith angle from solar elevation angle

    symbol description unit variable name
    \(\alpha_{0}\) solar elevation angle \(deg\) solar_azimuth_angle {:}
    \(\theta_{0}\) solar zenith angle \(deg\) solar_zenith_angle {:}

    The pattern : for the dimensions can represent {time}, or no dimensions at all.

    \[\theta_{0} = 90 - \alpha_{0}\]
  2. solar zenith angle from latitude and solar declination/hour angles

    symbol description unit variable name
    \(\theta_{0}\) solar zenith angle \(deg\) solar_zenith_angle {time}
    \(\delta\) solar declination angle \(deg\) solar_declination_angle {time}
    \(\phi\) latitude \(degN\) latitude {time}
    \(\omega\) solar hour angle \(deg\) solar_hour_angle {time}
    \[\theta_{0} = \frac{180}{\pi}\arccos(\sin(\frac{\pi}{180}\delta)\sin(\frac{\pi}{180}\phi) - \cos(\frac{\pi}{180}\omega)\cos(\frac{\pi}{180}\delta)\cos(\frac{\pi}{180}\phi))\]