latitude derivations

  1. latitude from polygon

    symbol description unit variable name
    \(\lambda\) longitude \(degE\) longitude {:}
    \(\lambda^{B}(i)\) longitude \(degE\) longitude_bounds {:,N}
    \(\phi\) latitude \(degN\) latitude {:}
    \(\phi^{B}(i)\) latitude \(degN\) latitude_bounds {:,N}

    Convert all polygon corner coordinates defined by \(\phi^{B}(i)\) and \(\lambda^{B}(i)\) into unit sphere points \(\mathbf{p}(i) = [x_{i}, y_{i}, z_{i}]\)

    \(x_{min} = min(x_{i}), y_{min} = min(y_{i}), z_{min} = min(z_{i})\)

    \(x_{max} = max(x_{i}), y_{max} = max(y_{i}), z_{max} = max(z_{i})\)

    \(\mathbf{p}_{center} = [\frac{x_{min} + x_{max}}{2}, \frac{y_{min} + y_{max}}{2}, \frac{z_{min} + z_{max}}{2}]\)

    The vector \(\mathbf{p}_{center}\) is converted back to \(\phi\) and \(\lambda\)

  2. latitude from range

    symbol description unit variable name
    \(\phi\) latitude \(degN\) latitude {:}
    \(\phi^{B}(l)\) latitude boundaries (\(l \in \{1,2\}\)) \(degN\) latitude_bounds {:,2}

    The pattern : for the dimensions can represent {latitude}, or {time,latitude}.

    \[\phi = \frac{\phi^{B}(2) + \phi^{B}(1)}{2}\]
  3. latitude from vertical profile latitudes

    symbol description unit variable name
    \(\phi\) single latitude for the full profile \(degN\) latitude {:}
    \(\phi(i)\) latitude for each profile point \(degN\) latitude {:,vertical}
    \(N\) number of profile points    

    The pattern : for the dimensions can represent {time}, or no dimensions at all.

    \[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray} N & = & max(i, \phi(i) \neq NaN) \\ \phi & = & \phi(N/2) \end{eqnarray}\end{split}\]
  4. latitude from sensor latitude

    symbol description unit variable name
    \(\phi\) latitude \(degN\) latitude {:}
    \(\phi_{instr}\) latitude of the sensor \(degN\) sensor_latitude {:}

    The pattern : for the dimensions can represent {time}, or no dimensions at all.

    \[\phi = \phi_{instr}\]