Python interface

The Python interface consists of a Python package 'harp' that provides a set of functions to import and export HARP products. The import can be used to read products using the HARP format or to read non-HARP products of a type supported by HARP. The Python interface depends on the _cffi_backend module, which is part of the C foreign function interface (cffi) package. This package must be installed in order to be able to use the Python interface. See the cffi documentation for details on how to install the cffi package.

Products are represented in Python by instances of harp.Product, which can be manipulated freely from within Python. A harp.Product instance contains a harp.Variable instance for each variable contained in the product. A harp.Product also contains special entries for the global attributes source_product and history (a harp.Product will thus not be able to contain variables with these names). Note that the Conventions, datetime_start and datetime_stop global attributes are not included in a harp.Product as these are automatically handled by the import/export functions of HARP.

Products can be exported as HARP compliant products in any of the file formats supported by the HARP C library (NetCDF/HDF4/HDF5). Such exported products can subsequently be processed further using the HARP command line tools. Products can also be converted to an OrderedDict. This can be convenient when there is a need to interface with existing code such as plotting libraries, or when the additional information provided by the harp.Product representation is not needed.

Dimension types

The HARP C library defines several dimension types. Each dimension of a variable is associated with one of these dimension types. The number of dimension types should match the number of dimensions of the data array.

In Python, all dimension types are referred to by name, except the independent dimension type. Dimension type names are case-sensitive. The independent dimension type is special because variable dimensions associated with this dimension type need not be of the same length (in contrast to all other dimension types). The independent dimension type is represented in Python by None.

Each harp.Variable instance contains an attribute dimension, which is a list of dimension types. For each dimension of a variable, the dimension attribute indicates the dimension type it is associated with.

The dimension types supported by HARP are:

Temporal dimension; this is the only appendable dimension.
Vertical dimension, indicating height or depth.
Spectral dimension, associated with wavelength, wavenumber, or frequency.
Latitude dimension, only to be used for the latitude axis of a regular (latitude, longitude) grid.
Longitude dimension, only to be used for the longitude axis of a regular (latitude, longitude) grid.
Independent dimension, used to index other quantities, such as the corner coordinates of ground pixel polygons.

Data types

The HARP Python interface takes care of the conversion of product and variables from the C domain to the Python domain and back. This section describes the relation between types in the C domain and types in the Python domain.

The table below shows the type map that is used to convert the high level concepts product and variable.

C type Python type
harp_product harp.Product
harp_variable harp.Variable

The table below shows the type map that is used when importing a product, i.e. when translating from the C domain to the Python domain.

Variable data arrays are converted to NumPy arrays. The NumPy data type used for the converted array is determined from the HARP data type of the variable according to the type map shown below. Zero-dimensional arrays of length 1 are converted to Python scalars using the numpy.asscalar() function. The resulting Python type is also shown in the type map.

Product and variable attributes, being scalars, are converted directly to Python scalars. The Python type is determined from the HARP data type according to the type map.

Zero-terminated C strings are always converted to instances of type str in Python. See section Unicode for details on unicode decoding in Python 3.

HARP data type NumPy dtype Python type unicode decoding
harp_type_int8 numpy.int8 int  
harp_type_int16 numpy.int16 int  
harp_type_int32 numpy.int32 int  
harp_type_float numpy.float32 float  
harp_type_double numpy.float64 float  
harp_type_string numpy.object_ str Python 3

The table below shows the type map that is used when exporting a product, i.e. when translating from the Python domain to the C domain.

NumPy object arrays (that is, NumPy arrays with data type numpy.object_) will be converted to arrays of zero-terminated C strings. The elements of a NumPy object array must be all str or all bytes. (Note that on Python 2, bytes is an alias of str.) NumPy arrays with data type numpy.str_ or numpy.bytes_ will be converted to arrays of zero-terminated C strings as well.

NumPy scalars with data type numpy.object_, numpy.str_, or numpy.bytes_ are converted following the same rules as for NumPy arrays. NumPy scalars are treated as NumPy arrays of length 1 in this respect. Python scalars of type str or bytes will also be converted to zero-terminated C strings.

Unicode encoding is only performed for array elements or scalars of type str or numpy.str_, and only on Python 3. See section Unicode for details on unicode encoding in Python 3.

Any NumPy array, NumPy scalar, or Python scalar that cannot be converted according to the rules described above is assumed to be numeric. An attempt will be made to determine the minimal HARP data type that it, or its elements, can be safely cast to (according to the function numpy.can_cast() using the 'safe' casting option). See the type map for details.

Python type NumPy dtype type test array element type array element type test HARP data type unicode encoding
numpy.ndarray numpy.generic numpy.object_ numpy.issubdtype str isinstance harp_type_string Python 3
bytes isinstance harp_type_string no
numpy.str_ numpy.issubdtype     harp_type_string Python 3
numpy.bytes_ numpy.issubdtype     harp_type_string no
numpy.int8 numpy.can_cast     harp_type_int8  
numpy.int16 numpy.can_cast     harp_type_int16  
numpy.int32 numpy.can_cast     harp_type_int32  
numpy.float32 numpy.can_cast     harp_type_float32  
numpy.float64 numpy.can_cast     harp_type_float64  
str   isinstance     harp_type_string Python 3
bytes   isinstance     harp_type_string no
any other type numpy.int8 numpy.can_cast     harp_type_int8  
numpy.int16 numpy.can_cast     harp_type_int16  
numpy.int32 numpy.can_cast     harp_type_int32  
numpy.float32 numpy.can_cast     harp_type_float32  
numpy.float64 numpy.can_cast     harp_type_float64  


Zero-terminated C strings received from the HARP C library are always converted to instances of type str in Python. Type str is a byte string in Python 2, but a unicode string in Python 3.

In Python 2, no unicode encoding or decoding is performed by the HARP Python interface.

In Python 3, byte strings received from the HARP C library are decoded using a configurable encoding. Unicode strings (instances of type str) are encoded using the same encoding into byte strings, which are sent to the HARP C library. Byte strings (instances of type bytes) are passed through without encoding.

The encoding used can be configured by the user, see the harp.set_encoding() and harp.get_encoding() methods. The default encoding is 'ascii'.


import harp
import numpy

# Create a product in Python and export it as a NetCDF file.
product = harp.Product()
harp.export_product(product, "")

# Add some variables to the product. = harp.Variable("foo")
product.strings = harp.Variable(numpy.array(("foo", "bar", "baz")), ["time"])
product.temperature = harp.Variable(numpy.ones((3, 5), dtype=numpy.float32),
                                    ["time", None])
product.temperature.unit = "K"
product.temperature.description = "temperature"

# Pretty print information about the product.

# Pretty print information about the variable 'temperature'.

# Set valid minimum value of the variable 'temperature'. Note the use of item
# access syntax instead of attribute access syntax.
product["temperature"].valid_min = 0.0

# Export the updated product as an HDF4 file.
harp.export_product(product, "non-empty.hdf", file_format="hdf4")

# Convert the product to an OrderedDict.
dict_product = harp.to_dict(product)

# Import an S5P L2 HCHO product.
hcho_product = harp.import_product("",
                                   "solar_zenith_angle < 60 [degree]; latitude > 30 [degree_north]; latitude < 60 [degree_north]")

# Pretty print information about the product.

# Export the product as a HARP compliant data product.
harp.export_product(hcho_product, "hcho.h5", file_format='hdf5', hdf5_compression=6)

API reference

This section describes the types, functions, and exceptions defined by the HARP Python interface.


This section describes the types defined by the HARP Python interface.

class harp.Product(source_product="", history="")

Python representation of a HARP product.

A product consists of product attributes and variables. Any attribute of a Product instance of which the name does not start with an underscore is either a variable or a product attribute. Product attribute names are reserved and cannot be used for variables.

The list of names reserved for product attributes is:

Name of the original product this product is derived from.
New-line separated list of invocations of HARP command line tools that have been performed on the product.

Variables can be accessed by name using either the attribute access '.' syntax, or the item access '[]' syntax. For example:

from __future__ import print_function

# Alternative ways to access the variable 'HCHO_column_number_density'.
density = product.HCHO_column_number_density
density = product["HCHO_column_number_density"]

# Iterate over all variables in the product. For imported  products, the
# order of the variables is the same as the order in the source product.
for name in product:

Product attributes can be accessed in the same way as variables, but are not included when iterating over the variables in a product. For example:

from __future__ import print_function

# Print product attributes.
  • source_product (str) – Name of the original product this product is derived from.
  • history (str) – New-line separated list of invocations of HARP command line tools that have been performed on the product.
class harp.Variable(data, dimension=[], unit=None, valid_min=None, valid_max=None, description=None, enum=None)

Python representation of a HARP variable.

A variable consists of data (either a scalar or NumPy array), a list of dimension types that describe the dimensions of the data, and a number of optional attributes: physical unit, minimum valid value, maximum valid value, human-readable description, and enumeration name list.

  • data – Value(s) associated with the variable; can be either a scalar or a NumPy array.
  • dimension (list) – List of strings indicating the dimensions the variable depends on.
  • unit (str) – Physical unit the values associated with the variable are expressed in.
  • valid_min – Minimum valid value; any value below this threshold is considered to be invalid.
  • valid_max – Maximum valid value; any value above this threshold is considered to be invalid.
  • description (str) – Humand-readble description of the variable.
  • enum (list) – List of strings with the names of each enumeration value.


This section describes the functions defined by the HARP Python library.

harp.import_product(filename, operations="", options="")

Import a product from a file.

This will first try to import the file as an HDF4, HDF5, or netCDF file that complies to the HARP Data Format. If the file is not stored using the HARP format then it will try to import it using one of the available ingestion modules.

If the filename argument is a list of filenames or a globbing (glob.glob()) pattern then the harp.import_product() function will be called on each individual file and the result of harp.concatenate() on the imported products will be returned.

  • filename (str,list) – Filename, list of filenames or file pattern of the product(s) to import
  • operations (str) – Actions to apply as part of the import; should be specified as a semi-colon separated string of operations.
  • options (str) – Ingestion module specific options; should be specified as a semi-colon separated string of key=value pairs; only used if the file is not in HARP format.

Imported product.

Return type:


harp.export_product(product, filename, file_format="netcdf", operations="", hdf5_compression=0)

Export a HARP compliant product.

  • product (str) – Product to export.
  • filename (str) – Filename of the exported product.
  • operations (str) – Actions to apply as part of the export; should be specified as a semi-colon separated string of operations.
  • file_format (str) – File format to use; one of ‘netcdf’, ‘hdf4’, or ‘hdf5’.
  • hdf5_compression – Compression level when exporting to hdf5 (0=disabled, 1=low, ..., 9=high).

Combines all HARP products in the list into a single HARP output product.

All non-time dependent variables from the input products are made time dependent before concatenating them.

Trying to merge input products that do not have the same types of variables will result in an error.

The ‘index’ variable will not be included in the concatenated product.

The resulting product will not have a ‘source_product’ or ‘history’ global attribute set.

Parameters:productlist (list) – List of harp.Product objects.
Returns:Single product containing concatenated content.
Return type:harp.Product

Convert a harp.Product instance to an OrderedDict.

The OrderedDict representation provides direct access to the data associated with each variable. All product attributes and all variable attributes except the unit attribute are discarded as part of the conversion.

The unit attribute of a variable is represented by adding a scalar variable of type string with the name of the corresponding variable suffixed with '_unit' as name and the unit as value.

The OrderedDict representation can be convenient when there is a need to interface with existing code such as plotting libraries, or when the additional information provided by the Product representation is not needed.

Note that only harp.Product instances can be exported as a HARP product. The OrderedDict representation does not contain enough information.

For example:

from __future__ import print_function

# Convert input product to an OrderedDict.
product = to_dict(input_product)

# Accessing the variable 'HCHO_column_number_density'.

# Accessing the unit attribute of the variable
# 'HCHO_column_number_density'.

# Iterate over all variables in the product. For imported products, the
# order of the variables is the same as the order in the source product.
for name, value in product.items():
    print name, value
Parameters:product (harp.Product) – Product to convert.
Returns:Converted product.
Return type:collections.OrderedDict

Return the encoding used to convert between unicode strings and C strings (only relevant when using Python 3).

Returns:Encoding currently in use.
Return type:str

Set the encoding used to convert between unicode strings and C strings (only relevant when using Python 3).

Parameters:encoding (str) – Encoding to use.

Return the version of the HARP C library.

Returns:HARP C library version.
Return type:str


This sections describes the exceptions defined by the HARP Python interface.

exception harp.Error(*args)

Exception base class for all HARP Python interface errors.

Parameters:args (tuple) – Tuple of arguments passed to the constructor; usually a single string containing an error message.
exception harp.CLibraryError(errno=None, strerror=None)

Exception raised when an error occurs inside the HARP C library.

  • errno (str) – error code; if None, the error code will be retrieved from the HARP C library.
  • strerror (str) – error message; if None, the error message will be retrieved from the HARP C library.
exception harp.UnsupportedTypeError(*args)

Exception raised when unsupported types are encountered, either on the Python or on the C side of the interface.

Parameters:args (tuple) – Tuple of arguments passed to the constructor; usually a single string containing an error message.
exception harp.UnsupportedDimensionError(*args)

Exception raised when unsupported dimensions are encountered, either on the Python or on the C side of the interface.

Parameters:args (tuple) – Tuple of arguments passed to the constructor; usually a single string containing an error message.
exception harp.NoDataError

Exception raised when the product returned from an import contains no variables, or variables without data.