aerosol optical depth derivations

  1. total aerosol optical depth from partial aerosol optical depth profile

    symbol description unit variable name
    \(\tau\) total aerosol optical depth \(-\) aerosol_optical_depth {:}
    \(\tau(i)\) aerosol optical depth \(-\) aerosol_optical_depth {:,vertical}

    The pattern : for the first dimensions can represent {latitude,longitude}, {time}, {time,latitude,longitude}, or no dimensions at all.

    \[\tau = \sum_{i}{\tau(i)}\]
  2. aerosol optical depth from aerosol extinction coefficient

    symbol description unit variable name
    \(z^{B}(l)\) altitude boundaries (\(l \in \{1,2\}\)) \(m\) altitude_bounds {:,2}
    \(\sigma\) aerosol extinction coefficient \(\frac{1}{m}\) aerosol_extinction_coefficient {:}
    \(\tau\) aerosol optical depth \(-\) aerosol_optical_depth {:}

    The pattern : for the dimensions can represent {vertical}, {latitude,longitude}, {latitude,longitude,vertical}, {time}, {time,vertical}, {time,latitude,longitude}, {time,latitude,longitude,vertical}, or no dimensions at all.

    \[\tau = \sigma \lvert z^{B}(2) - z^{B}(1) \rvert\]