Data Structures | Macros | Enumerations | Functions
bigWig.h File Reference
#include "bigWigIO.h"
#include "bwValues.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <zlib.h>

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Data Structures

struct  bwZoomHdr_t
 BigWig files have multiple "zoom" levels, each of which has its own header. This hold those headers. More...
struct  bigWigHdr_t
 The header section of a bigWig file. More...
struct  chromList_t
 Holds the chromosomes and their lengths. More...
struct  bwWriteBuffer_t
 This is only needed for writing bigWig files (and won't be created otherwise) This should be removed from bigWig.h. More...
struct  bigWigFile_t
 A structure that holds everything needed to access a bigWig file. More...
struct  bwOverlappingIntervals_t
 Holds interval:value associations. More...
struct  bbOverlappingEntries_t
 Holds interval:str associations. More...
struct  bwOverlapIterator_t
 A structure to hold iterations One of intervals and entries should be used to access records from bigWig or bigBed files, respectively. More...


#define LIBBIGWIG_VERSION   0.4.5
#define LIBBIGWIG_CURL   1
#define BIGWIG_MAGIC   0x888FFC26
#define BIGBED_MAGIC   0x8789F2EB
#define CIRTREE_MAGIC   0x78ca8c91
#define IDX_MAGIC   0x2468ace0
#define DEFAULT_nCHILDREN   64
#define DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE   32768


enum  bwStatsType {
  doesNotExist = -1, mean = 0, average = 0, stdev = 1,
  dev = 1, max = 2, min = 3, cov = 4,
  coverage = 4, sum = 5


int bwInit (size_t bufSize)
 Initializes curl and global variables. This MUST be called before other functions (at least if you want to connect to remote files). For remote file, curl must be initialized and regions of a file read into an internal buffer. If the buffer is too small then an excessive number of connections will be made. If the buffer is too large than more data than required is fetched. 128KiB is likely sufficient for most needs. More...
void bwCleanup (void)
 The counterpart to bwInit, this cleans up curl. More...
int bwIsBigWig (char *fname, CURLcode(*callBack)(CURL *))
 Determine if a file is a bigWig file. This function will quickly check either local or remote files to determine if they appear to be valid bigWig files. This can be determined by reading the first 4 bytes of the file. More...
int bbIsBigBed (char *fname, CURLcode(*callBack)(CURL *))
 Determine is a file is a bigBed file. This function will quickly check either local or remote files to determine if they appear to be valid bigWig files. This can be determined by reading the first 4 bytes of the file. More...
bigWigFile_tbwOpen (char *fname, CURLcode(*callBack)(CURL *), const char *mode)
 Opens a local or remote bigWig file. This will open a local or remote bigWig file. Writing of local bigWig files is also supported. More...
bigWigFile_tbbOpen (char *fname, CURLcode(*callBack)(CURL *))
 Opens a local or remote bigBed file. This will open a local or remote bigBed file. Note that this file format can only be read and NOT written! More...
char * bbGetSQL (bigWigFile_t *fp)
 Returns a string containing the SQL entry (or NULL). The "auto SQL" field contains the names and value types of the entries in each bigBed entry. If you need to parse a particular value out of each entry, then you'll need to first parse this. More...
void bwClose (bigWigFile_t *fp)
 Closes a bigWigFile_t and frees up allocated memory This closes both bigWig and bigBed files. More...
uint32_t bwGetTid (bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom)
 Converts between chromosome name and ID. More...
void bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals (bwOverlappingIntervals_t *o)
 Frees space allocated by bwGetOverlappingIntervals More...
void bbDestroyOverlappingEntries (bbOverlappingEntries_t *o)
 Frees space allocated by bbGetOverlappingEntries More...
bwOverlappingIntervals_tbwGetOverlappingIntervals (bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end)
 Return bigWig entries overlapping an interval. Find all bigWig entries overlapping a range and returns them, including their associated values. More...
bbOverlappingEntries_tbbGetOverlappingEntries (bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int withString)
 Return bigBed entries overlapping an interval. Find all bigBed entries overlapping a range and returns them. More...
bwOverlapIterator_tbwOverlappingIntervalsIterator (bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t blocksPerIteration)
 Creates an iterator over intervals in a bigWig file Iterators can be traversed with bwIteratorNext() and destroyed with bwIteratorDestroy(). Intervals are in the intervals member and data can be used to determine when to end iteration. More...
bwOverlapIterator_tbbOverlappingEntriesIterator (bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int withString, uint32_t blocksPerIteration)
 Creates an iterator over entries in a bigBed file Iterators can be traversed with bwIteratorNext() and destroyed with bwIteratorDestroy(). Entries are in the entries member and data can be used to determine when to end iteration. More...
bwOverlapIterator_tbwIteratorNext (bwOverlapIterator_t *iter)
 Traverses to the entries/intervals in the next group of blocks. More...
void bwIteratorDestroy (bwOverlapIterator_t *iter)
 Destroys a bwOverlapIterator_t. More...
bwOverlappingIntervals_tbwGetValues (bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int includeNA)
 Return all per-base bigWig values in a given interval. Given an interval (e.g., chr1:0-100), return the value at each position in a bigWig file. Positions without associated values are suppressed by default, but may be returned if includeNA is not 0. More...
double * bwStats (bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t nBins, enum bwStatsType type)
 Determines per-interval bigWig statistics Can determine mean/min/max/coverage/standard deviation of values in one or more intervals in a bigWig file. You can optionally give it an interval and ask for values from X number of sub-intervals. More...
double * bwStatsFromFull (bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t nBins, enum bwStatsType type)
 Determines per-interval bigWig statistics Can determine mean/min/max/coverage/standard deviation of values in one or more intervals in a bigWig file. You can optionally give it an interval and ask for values from X number of sub-intervals. The difference with bwStats is that zoom levels are never used. More...
int bwCreateHdr (bigWigFile_t *fp, int32_t maxZooms)
 Create a largely empty bigWig header Every bigWig file has a header, this creates the template for one. It also takes care of space allocation in the output write buffer. More...
chromList_tbwCreateChromList (char **chroms, uint32_t *lengths, int64_t n)
 Take a list of chromosome names and lengths and return a pointer to a chromList_t This MUST be run before bwWriteHdr(). Note that the input is NOT free()d! More...
int bwWriteHdr (bigWigFile_t *bw)
 Write a the header to a bigWig file. You must have already opened the output file, created a header and a chromosome list. More...
int bwAddIntervals (bigWigFile_t *fp, char **chrom, uint32_t *start, uint32_t *end, float *values, uint32_t n)
 Write a new block of bedGraph-like intervals to a bigWig file Adds entries of the form: chromosome start end value to the file. These will always be added in a new block, so you may have previously used a different storage type. More...
int bwAppendIntervals (bigWigFile_t *fp, uint32_t *start, uint32_t *end, float *values, uint32_t n)
 Append bedGraph-like intervals to a previous block of bedGraph-like intervals in a bigWig file. If you have previously used bwAddIntervals() then this will append additional entries into the previous block (or start a new one if needed). More...
int bwAddIntervalSpans (bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t *start, uint32_t span, float *values, uint32_t n)
 Add a new block of variable-step entries to a bigWig file Adds entries for the form chromosome start value to the file. Each block of such entries has an associated "span", so each value describes the region chromosome:start-(start+span) More...
int bwAppendIntervalSpans (bigWigFile_t *fp, uint32_t *start, float *values, uint32_t n)
 Append to a previous block of variable-step entries. If you previously used bwAddIntervalSpans(), this will continue appending more values to the block(s) it created. More...
int bwAddIntervalSpanSteps (bigWigFile_t *fp, char *chrom, uint32_t start, uint32_t span, uint32_t step, float *values, uint32_t n)
 Add a new block of fixed-step entries to a bigWig file Adds entries for the form value to the file. Each block of such entries has an associated "span", "step", chromosome and start position. See the wiggle format for more details. More...
int bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps (bigWigFile_t *fp, float *values, uint32_t n)
 Append to a previous block of fixed-step entries. If you previously used bwAddIntervalSpanSteps(), this will continue appending more values to the block(s) it created. More...

Detailed Description

These are the functions and structured that should be used by external users. While I don't particularly recommend dealing with some of the structures (e.g., a bigWigHdr_t), they're described here in case you need them.

BTW, this library doesn't switch endianness as appropriate, since I kind of assume that there's only one type produced these days.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BIGBED_MAGIC   0x8789F2EB

The magic number of a bigBed file.


#define BIGWIG_MAGIC   0x888FFC26

The magic number of a bigWig file.


#define CIRTREE_MAGIC   0x78ca8c91

The magic number of a "cirTree" block in a file.


#define DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE   32768

The default decompression buffer size in bytes. This is used to determin


#define DEFAULT_nCHILDREN   64

The default number of children per block.


#define IDX_MAGIC   0x2468ace0

The magic number of an index block in a file.


#define LIBBIGWIG_CURL   1

If 1, then this library was compiled with remote file support.


#define LIBBIGWIG_VERSION   0.4.5

The library version number

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ bwStatsType

An enum that dictates the type of statistic to fetch for a given interval


This does nothing


The mean value


The mean value


The standard deviation of the values


The standard deviation of the values


The maximum value


The minimum value


The number of bases covered


The number of bases covered


The sum of per-base values

Function Documentation

◆ bbDestroyOverlappingEntries()

void bbDestroyOverlappingEntries ( bbOverlappingEntries_t o)

Frees space allocated by bbGetOverlappingEntries

oA valid bbOverlappingEntries_t pointer.
See also

◆ bbGetOverlappingEntries()

bbOverlappingEntries_t* bbGetOverlappingEntries ( bigWigFile_t fp,
char *  chrom,
uint32_t  start,
uint32_t  end,
int  withString 

Return bigBed entries overlapping an interval. Find all bigBed entries overlapping a range and returns them.

fpA valid bigWigFile_t pointer. This MUST be for a bigBed file!
chromA valid chromosome name.
startThe start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
endThe end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
withStringIf not 0, return the string associated with each entry in the output. If 0, there are no associated strings returned. This is useful if the only information needed are the locations of the entries, which require significantly less memory.
NULL on error or no overlapping values, otherwise a bbOverlappingEntries_t * holding the intervals and (optionally) the associated string.
See also

◆ bbGetSQL()

char* bbGetSQL ( bigWigFile_t fp)

Returns a string containing the SQL entry (or NULL). The "auto SQL" field contains the names and value types of the entries in each bigBed entry. If you need to parse a particular value out of each entry, then you'll need to first parse this.

fpThe file pointer to a valid bigWigFile_t
A char *, which you MUST free!

◆ bbIsBigBed()

int bbIsBigBed ( char *  fname,
CURLcode(*)(CURL *)  callBack 

Determine is a file is a bigBed file. This function will quickly check either local or remote files to determine if they appear to be valid bigWig files. This can be determined by reading the first 4 bytes of the file.

fnameThe file name or URL (http, https, and ftp are supported)
callBackAn optional user-supplied function. This is applied to remote connections so users can specify things like proxy and password information. See test/testRemote for an example.
1 if the file appears to be bigWig, otherwise 0.

◆ bbOpen()

bigWigFile_t* bbOpen ( char *  fname,
CURLcode(*)(CURL *)  callBack 

Opens a local or remote bigBed file. This will open a local or remote bigBed file. Note that this file format can only be read and NOT written!

fnameThe file name or URL (http, https, and ftp are supported)
callBackAn optional user-supplied function. This is applied to remote connections so users can specify things like proxy and password information. See test/testRemote for an example.
A bigWigFile_t * on success and NULL on error.

◆ bbOverlappingEntriesIterator()

bwOverlapIterator_t* bbOverlappingEntriesIterator ( bigWigFile_t fp,
char *  chrom,
uint32_t  start,
uint32_t  end,
int  withString,
uint32_t  blocksPerIteration 

Creates an iterator over entries in a bigBed file Iterators can be traversed with bwIteratorNext() and destroyed with bwIteratorDestroy(). Entries are in the entries member and data can be used to determine when to end iteration.

fpA valid bigWigFile_t pointer. This MUST be for a bigBed file!
chromA valid chromosome name.
startThe start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
endThe end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
withStringWhether the returned entries should include their associated strings.
blocksPerIterationThe number of blocks (internal groupings of entries in bigBed files) to return per iteration.
NULL on error, otherwise a bwOverlapIterator_t pointer
See also

◆ bwAddIntervals()

int bwAddIntervals ( bigWigFile_t fp,
char **  chrom,
uint32_t *  start,
uint32_t *  end,
float *  values,
uint32_t  n 

Write a new block of bedGraph-like intervals to a bigWig file Adds entries of the form: chromosome start end value to the file. These will always be added in a new block, so you may have previously used a different storage type.

In general it's more efficient to use the bwAppend* functions, but then you MUST know that the previously written block is of the same type. In other words, you can only use bwAppendIntervals() after bwAddIntervals() or a previous bwAppendIntervals().

fpThe output file pointer.
chromA list of chromosomes, of length n.
startA list of start positions of lengthn.
endA list of end positions of lengthn.
valuesA list of values of lengthn.
nThe length of the aforementioned lists.
0 on success and another value on error.
See also

◆ bwAddIntervalSpans()

int bwAddIntervalSpans ( bigWigFile_t fp,
char *  chrom,
uint32_t *  start,
uint32_t  span,
float *  values,
uint32_t  n 

Add a new block of variable-step entries to a bigWig file Adds entries for the form chromosome start value to the file. Each block of such entries has an associated "span", so each value describes the region chromosome:start-(start+span)

This will always start a new block of values.

fpThe output file pointer.
chromA list of chromosomes, of length n.
startA list of start positions of lengthn.
spanThe span of each entry (the must all be the same).
valuesA list of values of lengthn.
nThe length of the aforementioned lists.
0 on success and another value on error.
See also

◆ bwAddIntervalSpanSteps()

int bwAddIntervalSpanSteps ( bigWigFile_t fp,
char *  chrom,
uint32_t  start,
uint32_t  span,
uint32_t  step,
float *  values,
uint32_t  n 

Add a new block of fixed-step entries to a bigWig file Adds entries for the form value to the file. Each block of such entries has an associated "span", "step", chromosome and start position. See the wiggle format for more details.

This will always start a new block of values.

fpThe output file pointer.
chromThe chromosome that the entries describe.
startThe starting position of the block of entries.
spanThe span of each entry (i.e., the number of bases it describes).
stepThe step between entry start positions.
valuesA list of values of lengthn.
nThe length of the aforementioned lists.
0 on success and another value on error.
See also

◆ bwAppendIntervals()

int bwAppendIntervals ( bigWigFile_t fp,
uint32_t *  start,
uint32_t *  end,
float *  values,
uint32_t  n 

Append bedGraph-like intervals to a previous block of bedGraph-like intervals in a bigWig file. If you have previously used bwAddIntervals() then this will append additional entries into the previous block (or start a new one if needed).

fpThe output file pointer.
startA list of start positions of lengthn.
endA list of end positions of lengthn.
valuesA list of values of lengthn.
nThe length of the aforementioned lists.
0 on success and another value on error.
Do NOT use this after bwAddIntervalSpanSteps(), bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps(), bwAddIntervalSpanSteps(), or bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps().
See also

◆ bwAppendIntervalSpans()

int bwAppendIntervalSpans ( bigWigFile_t fp,
uint32_t *  start,
float *  values,
uint32_t  n 

Append to a previous block of variable-step entries. If you previously used bwAddIntervalSpans(), this will continue appending more values to the block(s) it created.

fpThe output file pointer.
startA list of start positions of lengthn.
valuesA list of values of lengthn.
nThe length of the aforementioned lists.
0 on success and another value on error.
Do NOT use this after bwAddIntervals(), bwAppendIntervals(), bwAddIntervalSpanSteps() or bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps()
See also

◆ bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps()

int bwAppendIntervalSpanSteps ( bigWigFile_t fp,
float *  values,
uint32_t  n 

Append to a previous block of fixed-step entries. If you previously used bwAddIntervalSpanSteps(), this will continue appending more values to the block(s) it created.

fpThe output file pointer.
valuesA list of values of lengthn.
nThe length of the aforementioned lists.
0 on success and another value on error.
Do NOT use this after bwAddIntervals(), bwAppendIntervals(), bwAddIntervalSpans() or bwAppendIntervalSpans()
See also

◆ bwCleanup()

void bwCleanup ( void  )

The counterpart to bwInit, this cleans up curl.

See also

◆ bwClose()

void bwClose ( bigWigFile_t fp)

Closes a bigWigFile_t and frees up allocated memory This closes both bigWig and bigBed files.

fpThe file pointer.

◆ bwCreateChromList()

chromList_t* bwCreateChromList ( char **  chroms,
uint32_t *  lengths,
int64_t  n 

Take a list of chromosome names and lengths and return a pointer to a chromList_t This MUST be run before bwWriteHdr(). Note that the input is NOT free()d!

chromsA list of chromosomes.
lengthsThe length of each chromosome.
nThe number of chromosomes (thus, the length of chroms and lengths)
A pointer to a chromList_t or NULL on error.

◆ bwCreateHdr()

int bwCreateHdr ( bigWigFile_t fp,
int32_t  maxZooms 

Create a largely empty bigWig header Every bigWig file has a header, this creates the template for one. It also takes care of space allocation in the output write buffer.

fpThe bigWigFile_t* that you want to write to.
maxZoomsThe maximum number of zoom levels. If you specify 0 then there will be no zoom levels. A value <0 or > 65535 will result in a maximum of 10.
0 on success.

◆ bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals()

void bwDestroyOverlappingIntervals ( bwOverlappingIntervals_t o)

Frees space allocated by bwGetOverlappingIntervals

oA valid bwOverlappingIntervals_t pointer.
See also

◆ bwGetOverlappingIntervals()

bwOverlappingIntervals_t* bwGetOverlappingIntervals ( bigWigFile_t fp,
char *  chrom,
uint32_t  start,
uint32_t  end 

Return bigWig entries overlapping an interval. Find all bigWig entries overlapping a range and returns them, including their associated values.

fpA valid bigWigFile_t pointer. This MUST be for a bigWig file!
chromA valid chromosome name.
startThe start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
endThe end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
NULL on error or no overlapping values, otherwise a bwOverlappingIntervals_t * holding the values and intervals.
See also

◆ bwGetTid()

uint32_t bwGetTid ( bigWigFile_t fp,
char *  chrom 

Converts between chromosome name and ID.

fpA valid bigWigFile_t pointer
chromA chromosome name
An ID, -1 will be returned on error (note that this is an unsigned value, so that's ~4 billion. bigWig/bigBed files can't store that many chromosomes anyway.

◆ bwGetValues()

bwOverlappingIntervals_t* bwGetValues ( bigWigFile_t fp,
char *  chrom,
uint32_t  start,
uint32_t  end,
int  includeNA 

Return all per-base bigWig values in a given interval. Given an interval (e.g., chr1:0-100), return the value at each position in a bigWig file. Positions without associated values are suppressed by default, but may be returned if includeNA is not 0.

fpA valid bigWigFile_t pointer.
chromA valid chromosome name.
startThe start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
endThe end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
includeNAIf not 0, report NA values as well (as NA).
NULL on error or no overlapping values, otherwise a bwOverlappingIntervals_t * holding the values and positions.
See also

◆ bwInit()

int bwInit ( size_t  bufSize)

Initializes curl and global variables. This MUST be called before other functions (at least if you want to connect to remote files). For remote file, curl must be initialized and regions of a file read into an internal buffer. If the buffer is too small then an excessive number of connections will be made. If the buffer is too large than more data than required is fetched. 128KiB is likely sufficient for most needs.

bufSizeThe internal buffer size used for remote connection.
See also
0 on success and 1 on error.

◆ bwIsBigWig()

int bwIsBigWig ( char *  fname,
CURLcode(*)(CURL *)  callBack 

Determine if a file is a bigWig file. This function will quickly check either local or remote files to determine if they appear to be valid bigWig files. This can be determined by reading the first 4 bytes of the file.

fnameThe file name or URL (http, https, and ftp are supported)
callBackAn optional user-supplied function. This is applied to remote connections so users can specify things like proxy and password information. See test/testRemote for an example.
1 if the file appears to be bigWig, otherwise 0.

◆ bwIteratorDestroy()

void bwIteratorDestroy ( bwOverlapIterator_t iter)

Destroys a bwOverlapIterator_t.

iterThe bwOverlapIterator_t that should be destroyed

◆ bwIteratorNext()

bwOverlapIterator_t* bwIteratorNext ( bwOverlapIterator_t iter)

Traverses to the entries/intervals in the next group of blocks.

iterA bwOverlapIterator_t pointer that is updated (or destroyed on error)
NULL on error, otherwise a bwOverlapIterator_t pointer with the intervals or entries from the next set of blocks.
See also

◆ bwOpen()

bigWigFile_t* bwOpen ( char *  fname,
CURLcode(*)(CURL *)  callBack,
const char *  mode 

Opens a local or remote bigWig file. This will open a local or remote bigWig file. Writing of local bigWig files is also supported.

fnameThe file name or URL (http, https, and ftp are supported)
callBackAn optional user-supplied function. This is applied to remote connections so users can specify things like proxy and password information. See test/testRemote for an example.
modeThe mode, by default "r". Both local and remote files can be read, but only local files can be written. For files being written the callback function is ignored. If and only if the mode contains "w" will the file be opened for writing (in all other cases the file will be opened for reading.
A bigWigFile_t * on success and NULL on error.

◆ bwOverlappingIntervalsIterator()

bwOverlapIterator_t* bwOverlappingIntervalsIterator ( bigWigFile_t fp,
char *  chrom,
uint32_t  start,
uint32_t  end,
uint32_t  blocksPerIteration 

Creates an iterator over intervals in a bigWig file Iterators can be traversed with bwIteratorNext() and destroyed with bwIteratorDestroy(). Intervals are in the intervals member and data can be used to determine when to end iteration.

fpA valid bigWigFile_t pointer. This MUST be for a bigWig file!
chromA valid chromosome name.
startThe start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
endThe end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
blocksPerIterationThe number of blocks (internal groupings of intervals in bigWig files) to return per iteration.
NULL on error, otherwise a bwOverlapIterator_t pointer
See also

◆ bwStats()

double* bwStats ( bigWigFile_t fp,
char *  chrom,
uint32_t  start,
uint32_t  end,
uint32_t  nBins,
enum bwStatsType  type 

Determines per-interval bigWig statistics Can determine mean/min/max/coverage/standard deviation of values in one or more intervals in a bigWig file. You can optionally give it an interval and ask for values from X number of sub-intervals.

fpThe file from which to extract statistics.
chromA valid chromosome name.
startThe start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
endThe end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
nBinsThe number of bins within the interval to calculate statistics for.
typeThe type of statistic.
See also
A pointer to an array of double precission floating point values. Note that bigWig files only hold 32-bit values, so this is done to help prevent overflows.

◆ bwStatsFromFull()

double* bwStatsFromFull ( bigWigFile_t fp,
char *  chrom,
uint32_t  start,
uint32_t  end,
uint32_t  nBins,
enum bwStatsType  type 

Determines per-interval bigWig statistics Can determine mean/min/max/coverage/standard deviation of values in one or more intervals in a bigWig file. You can optionally give it an interval and ask for values from X number of sub-intervals. The difference with bwStats is that zoom levels are never used.

fpThe file from which to extract statistics.
chromA valid chromosome name.
startThe start position of the interval. This is 0-based half open, so 0 is the first base.
endThe end position of the interval. Again, this is 0-based half open, so 100 will include the 100th base...which is at position 99.
nBinsThe number of bins within the interval to calculate statistics for.
typeThe type of statistic.
See also
A pointer to an array of double precission floating point values. Note that bigWig files only hold 32-bit values, so this is done to help prevent overflows.

◆ bwWriteHdr()

int bwWriteHdr ( bigWigFile_t bw)

Write a the header to a bigWig file. You must have already opened the output file, created a header and a chromosome list.

bwThe output bigWigFile_t pointer.
See also