Data Fields
bwWriteBuffer_t Struct Reference

This is only needed for writing bigWig files (and won't be created otherwise) This should be removed from bigWig.h. More...

#include <bigWig.h>

Data Fields

uint64_t nBlocks
uint32_t blockSize
uint64_t nEntries
uint64_t runningWidthSum
uint32_t tid
uint32_t start
uint32_t end
uint32_t span
uint32_t step
uint8_t ltype
uint32_t l
void * p
bwLL * firstIndexNode
bwLL * currentIndexNode
bwZoomBuffer_t ** firstZoomBuffer
bwZoomBuffer_t ** lastZoomBuffer
uint64_t * nNodes
uLongf compressPsz
void * compressP

Detailed Description

This is only needed for writing bigWig files (and won't be created otherwise) This should be removed from bigWig.h.

Field Documentation

◆ blockSize

uint32_t bwWriteBuffer_t::blockSize

The maximum number of children

◆ compressP

void* bwWriteBuffer_t::compressP

A compressed buffer of size compressPsz

◆ compressPsz

uLongf bwWriteBuffer_t::compressPsz

The size of the compression buffer

◆ currentIndexNode

bwLL* bwWriteBuffer_t::currentIndexNode

The last index node in a linked list

◆ end

uint32_t bwWriteBuffer_t::end

The end position of the block

◆ firstIndexNode

bwLL* bwWriteBuffer_t::firstIndexNode

The first index node in the linked list

◆ firstZoomBuffer

bwZoomBuffer_t** bwWriteBuffer_t::firstZoomBuffer

The first node in a linked list of leaf nodes

◆ l

uint32_t bwWriteBuffer_t::l

The current size of p. This and the type determine the number of items held

◆ lastZoomBuffer

bwZoomBuffer_t** bwWriteBuffer_t::lastZoomBuffer

The last node in a linked list of leaf nodes

◆ ltype

uint8_t bwWriteBuffer_t::ltype

The type of the last entry added

◆ nBlocks

uint64_t bwWriteBuffer_t::nBlocks

The number of blocks written

◆ nEntries

uint64_t bwWriteBuffer_t::nEntries

The number of entries processed. This is used for the first contig and determining how the zoom levels are computed

◆ nNodes

uint64_t* bwWriteBuffer_t::nNodes

The number of leaf nodes per zoom level, useful for determining duplicate levels

◆ p

void* bwWriteBuffer_t::p

A buffer of size hdr->bufSize

◆ runningWidthSum

uint64_t bwWriteBuffer_t::runningWidthSum

The running sum of the entry widths for the first contig (again, used for the first contig and computing zoom levels)

◆ span

uint32_t bwWriteBuffer_t::span

The span of each entry, if applicable

◆ start

uint32_t bwWriteBuffer_t::start

The start position of the block

◆ step

uint32_t bwWriteBuffer_t::step

The step size, if applicable

◆ tid

uint32_t bwWriteBuffer_t::tid

The current TID that's being processed

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: