Struct gfx_device_gl::Device [] [src]

pub struct Device { /* fields omitted */ }

An OpenGL device with GLSL shaders.


impl Device


Access the OpenGL directly via a closure. OpenGL types and enumerations can be found in the gl crate.


Get the OpenGL-specific driver information

Trait Implementations

impl Device for Device

Associated Resources type.

Associated CommandBuffer type. Every Device type can only work with one CommandBuffer type. Read more


Returns the capabilities of this Ðevice.


Pin everything from this handle manager to live for a frame.


Submits a CommandBuffer to the GPU for execution.


Cleanup unused resources. This should be called between frames.

impl DeviceFence<Resources> for Device


Submit a command buffer to the stream creating a fence the fence is signaled after the GPU has executed all commands in the buffer Read more


Wait on the supplied fence stalling the current thread until the fence is satisfied Read more