Enum gfx_device_gl::Resources [] [src]

pub enum Resources {}

Trait Implementations

impl CommandBuffer<Resources> for CommandBuffer


Clone as an empty buffer


Reset the command buffer contents, retain the allocated storage


Bind a pipeline state object


Bind a complete set of vertex buffers


Bind a complete set of constant buffers


Bind a global constant


Bind a complete set of shader resource views


Bind a complete set of unordered access views


Bind a complete set of samplers


Bind a complete set of pixel targets, including multiple colors views and an optional depth/stencil view. Read more


Bind an index buffer


Set scissor rectangle


Set reference values for the blending and stencil front/back


Update a vertex/index/uniform buffer


Update a texture



Clear color target



Draw a primitive


Draw a primitive with index buffer

impl Factory<R> for Factory

Associated mapper type


Returns the capabilities of this Factory. This usually depends on the graphics API being used. Read more




Compiles a shader source into a Shader object that can be used to create a shader Program. Read more


Creates a new shader Program for the supplied ShaderSet.


Creates a new RawPipelineState. To create a safely typed PipelineState, see the FactoryExt trait and pso module, both in the gfx crate. Read more


Create a new empty raw texture with no data. The channel type parameter is a hint, required to assist backends that have no concept of typeless formats (OpenGL). The initial data, if given, has to be provided for all mip levels and slices: Slice0.Mip0, Slice0.Mip1, ..., Slice1.Mip0, ... Read more

















Compiles a VertexShader from source.


Compiles a GeometryShader from source.


Compiles a PixelShader from source. This is the same as what some APIs call a fragment shader. Read more














impl Copy for Resources

impl Clone for Resources


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Resources


Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Eq for Resources

impl Hash for Resources


Feeds this value into the given [Hasher]. Read more


Feeds a slice of this type into the given [Hasher]. Read more

impl PartialEq for Resources


This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more


This method tests for !=.

impl Resources for Resources

impl DeviceFence<Resources> for Device


Submit a command buffer to the stream creating a fence the fence is signaled after the GPU has executed all commands in the buffer Read more


Wait on the supplied fence stalling the current thread until the fence is satisfied Read more