Struct gfx_core::handle::Manager [] [src]

pub struct Manager<R: Resources> { /* fields omitted */ }

Stores reference-counted resources used in a command buffer. Seals actual resource names behind the interface, automatically referencing them both by the Factory on resource creation and the Renderer during CommandBuffer population.


impl<R: Resources> Manager<R>


Create a new handle manager


Clear all references


Extend with all references of another handle manager


Count the total number of referenced resources


Reference a buffer


Reference a shader


Reference a program


Reference a pipeline state object


Reference a texture


Reference a shader resource view


Reference an unordered access view


Reference an RTV


Reference a DSV


Reference a sampler


Reference a fence

Trait Implementations

impl<R: Resources> Producer<R> for Manager<R>















Walk through all the handles, keep ones that are reference elsewhere and call the provided delete function (resource-specific) for others Read more