Struct conrod::backend::piston::gfx::GfxContext [] [src]

pub struct GfxContext {
    pub encoder: GfxEncoder,
    pub device: Device,
    pub output_color: RenderTargetView<Resources, Srgba8>,
    pub output_stencil: DepthStencilView<Resources, DepthStencil>,
    pub g2d: Gfx2d<Resources>,
    pub factory: Factory,

Contains state used by Gfx to draw. Can be stored within a window.


GFX encoder.

GFX device.

Output frame buffer.

Output stencil buffer.


The factory that was created along with the device.


impl GfxContext


Constructor for a new GfxContext


Renders 2D graphics.


Called after frame is rendered to cleanup after gfx device.


Check whether window has resized and update the output.