Struct conrod::widget::matrix::Element [] [src]

pub struct Element {
    pub widget_id: Id,
    pub row: usize,
    pub col: usize,
    pub w: Scalar,
    pub h: Scalar,
    pub rel_x: Scalar,
    pub rel_y: Scalar,
    // some fields omitted

Data necessary for instantiating a widget for a single Matrix element.


The id generated for the widget.

The row number for the Element.

The column number for the Element.

The width of the element.

The height of the element.

The x position of the element relative to the centre of the Matrix.

The y position of the element relative to the centre of the Matrix.


impl Element


Sets the given widget as the widget to use for the item.

Sets the:

  • position of the widget.
  • dimensions of the widget.
  • parent of the widget.
  • and finally sets the widget within the Ui.

Trait Implementations

impl Copy for Element

impl Clone for Element


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Element


Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more