Struct conrod::UiCell [] [src]

pub struct UiCell<'a> { /* fields omitted */ }

A wrapper around the Ui that restricts the user from mutating the Ui in certain ways while in the scope of the Ui::set_widgets function and within Widgets' update methods. Using the UiCell, users may access the Ui immutably (via Deref) however they wish, however they may only mutate the Ui via the &mut self methods provided by the UiCell.

The name came from its likening to a "jail cell for the Ui", as it restricts a user's access to it. However, we realise that the name may also cause ambiguity with the std Cell and RefCell types (which UiCell has nothing to do with). Thus, if you have a better name for this type in mind, please let us know at the github repo via an issue or PR sometime before we hit 1.0.0!


impl<'a> UiCell<'a>


A reference to the Theme that is currently active within the Ui.


A convenience method for borrowing the Font for the given Id if it exists.


Returns the dimensions of the window


Returns an immutable reference to the input::Global of the Ui.

All coordinates here will be relative to the center of the window.


Returns a input::Widget with input events for the widget.

All coordinates in the input::Widget will be relative to the widget at the given index.


Produces a type that may be used to generate new unique widget::Ids.

See the widget::id::Generator docs for details on how to use this correctly.


The Rect that bounds the kids of the widget with the given index.

Returns None if the widget has no children or if there's is no widget for the given index.


Scroll the widget at the given index by the given offset amount.

The produced Scroll event will be pushed to the pending_scroll_events and will be applied to the widget during the next call to Ui::set_widgets.

Methods from Deref<Target = Ui>


Returns a input::Widget for the given widget


The Rect for the widget at the given index.

Returns None if there is no widget for the given index.


The absolute width of the widget at the given index.

Returns None if there is no widget for the given index.


The absolute height of the widget at the given index.

Returns None if there is no widget for the given index.


The absolute dimensions for the widget at the given index.

Returns None if there is no widget for the given index.


The coordinates for the widget at the given index.

Returns None if there is no widget for the given index.


The kid_area of the widget at the given index.

Returns None if there is no widget for the given index.


An index to the previously updated widget if there is one.


Borrow the Ui's widget_graph.


Borrow the Ui's set of updated widgets.

This set indicates which widgets have been instantiated since the beginning of the most recent Ui::set_widgets call.


Borrow the Ui's set of updated widgets.

This set indicates which widgets have were instantiated during the previous call to Ui::set_widgets.


Get the centred xy coords for some given Dimensions, Position and alignment.

If getting the xy for a specific widget, its widget::Id should be specified so that we can also consider the scroll offset of the scrollable parent widgets.

The place_on_kid_area argument specifies whether or not Place Position variants should target a Widget's kid_area, or simply the Widget's total area.


The Rect that bounds the kids of the widget with the given index.


The Rect that represents the maximum fully visible area for the widget with the given index, including consideration of cropped scroll area.

Otherwise, return None if the widget is not visible.

Trait Implementations

impl<'a> Drop for UiCell<'a>


Executes the destructor for this type. Read more

impl<'a> Deref for UiCell<'a>

The resulting type after dereferencing.


Dereferences the value.

impl<'a> AsRef<Ui> for UiCell<'a>


Performs the conversion.