Struct conrod::input::global::Global [] [src]

pub struct Global {
    pub start: State,
    pub current: State,
    pub last_click: Option<(Instant, Click)>,
    // some fields omitted

Global input event handler that also implements input::Provider. The Ui passes all events to it's Global instance, which aggregates and interprets the events to provide so-called 'high-level' events to widgets. This input gets reset after every update by the Ui.


The input::State as it was at the end of the last update cycle.

The most recent input::State, with updates from handling all the events this update cycle

Tracks the last click that occurred and the time at which it occurred in order to create double-click events.


impl Global


Returns a fresh new Global

Important traits for Events<'a>

Returns an iterator yielding all events that have occurred since the last time Ui::set_widgets was called.


Add the new event to the stack.


Called at the end of every update cycle in order to prepare the Global to handle events for the next one.