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SpeechClientStatus Enumeration
Error codes that can be returned from the speech client that aren't recognition based errors.

Namespace: Microsoft.CognitiveServices.SpeechRecognition
Assembly: SpeechClient (in SpeechClient.dll) Version:
public enum SpeechClientStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
SecurityFailed-1910505471 Raised when you are not authorized.
LoginFailed-1910505470 Raised when login credentials are not accepted.
Timeout-1910505469 Raised when the connection has timed out.
ConnectionFailed-1910505468 Raised when the connection has failed.
NameNotFound-1910505467 Raised when the service can't be resolved.
InvalidService-1910505466 Raised when the url is invalid.
InvalidProxy-1910505465 Raised when you have configured a bad proxy server.
BadResponse-1910505464 Raised when the service has returned an invalid response.
InternalError-1910505463 Raised when an internal error has been detected.
AuthenticationError-1910505462 Raised when credentials are invalid.
AuthenticationExpired-1910505461 Raised when credentials have expired.
LimitsExceeded-1910505460 Raised when you have exceeded your limits.
AudioOutputFailed-1910439935 Raised when the audio output device failed.
MicrophoneInUse-1910439933 Raised when the microphone is in use.
MicrophoneUnavailable-1910439934 Raised when the microphone is in use.
MicrophoneStatusUnknown-1910439932 Raised when the microphone status is not currently known.
InvalidArgument-2147024809 Raised when an invalid argument was specified.
See Also