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RecognizedPhrase Class
A Confidence value for the recognized text and the recognized text with a set of processing types applied to it. This is one element of an n-best set.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Microsoft.CognitiveServices.SpeechRecognition
Assembly: SpeechClient (in SpeechClient.dll) Version:
public class RecognizedPhrase

The RecognizedPhrase type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public fieldConfidence
A value representing high, medium or low confidence.
Public fieldDisplayText
The recognized phrase with inverse text normalization, capitalization, punctuation and profanity masking applied. Profanity is masked with asterisks after the initial character, e.g. "d***". This form is optimal for use by applications that display the speech recognition results to a user. Inverse Text Normalization (ITN) has also been applied. An example of ITN is converting result text from "go to fourth street" to "go to 4th st". This form is optimal for use by applications that display the speech recognition results to a user.
Public fieldInverseTextNormalizationResult
Inverse text normalization (ITN) converts phrases like "one two three four" to a normalized form such as "1234". Another example is converting result text from "go to fourth street" to "go to 4th st". This form is optimal for use by applications that interpret the speech recognition results as commands or which perform queries based on the recognized text.
Public fieldLexicalForm
The recognized phrase, without any post-processing. This form is optimal for use by applications that need the raw, unprocessed speech recognition result.
Public fieldMaskedInverseTextNormalizationResult
The recognized phrase with inverse text normalization and profanity masking applied, but not capitalization or punctuation. Profanity is masked with asterisks after the initial character, e.g. "d***". This form is optimal for use by applications that display the speech recognition results to a user. Inverse Text Normalization (ITN) has also been applied. An example of ITN is converting result text from "go to fourth street" to "go to 4th st". This form is optimal for use by applications that use the unmasked ITN results but also need to display the command or query to the user.
See Also