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More info at www.opentip.org

Copyright (c) 2012, Matias Meno
Graphics by Tjandra Mayerhold

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.





<div data-ot="This will be viewed in tooltip"></div>

or externally:

new Opentip(element, content, title, options);

For a full documentation, please visit www.opentip.org

class Opentip


    container: "opentip-container"
    opentip: "opentip"
    content: "content"
    loadingIndicator: "loading-indicator"
    close: "close"

    goingToHide: "going-to-hide"
    hidden: "hidden"
    hiding: "hiding"
    goingToShow: "going-to-show"
    showing: "showing"
    visible: "visible"

    loading: "loading"
    ajaxError: "ajax-error"
    fixed: "fixed"
    showEffectPrefix: "show-effect-"
    hideEffectPrefix: "hide-effect-"
    stylePrefix: "style-"

Sets up and configures the tooltip but does not build the html elements.

content, title and options are optional but have to be in this order.

  constructor: (element, content, title, options) ->
    @id = ++Opentip.lastId

    @debug "Creating Opentip."

    @adapter = Opentip.adapter

Add the ID to the element

    elementsOpentips = @adapter.data(element, "opentips") || [ ]
    elementsOpentips.push this
    @adapter.data element, "opentips", elementsOpentips

    @triggerElement = @adapter.wrap element

    throw new Error "You can't call Opentip on multiple elements." if @triggerElement.length > 1
    throw new Error "Invalid element." if @triggerElement.length < 1


    @loaded = no
    @loading = no

    @visible = no
    @waitingToShow = no
    @waitingToHide = no

Some initial values

    @currentPosition = left: 0, top: 0
    @dimensions = width: 100, height: 50

    @content = ""

    @redraw = on

    @currentObservers =
      showing: no
      visible: no
      hiding: no
      hidden: no

Make sure to not overwrite the users options object

    options = @adapter.clone options

    if typeof content == "object"
      options = content
      content = title = undefined
    else if typeof title == "object"
      options = title
      title = undefined

Now build the complete options object from the styles

    options.title = title if title?
    @setContent content if content?

    options.style = Opentip.defaultStyle unless options.style

All options are based on the standard style

    styleOptions = @adapter.extend { }, Opentip.styles.standard

    optionSources = [ ]

All options are based on the standard style

    optionSources.push Opentip.styles.standard
    optionSources.push Opentip.styles[options.style] unless options.style == "standard"
    optionSources.push options

    options = @adapter.extend { }, optionSources...

Deep copying the hideTriggers array

    options.hideTriggers = (hideTrigger for hideTrigger in options.hideTriggers)

    options.hideTriggers.push options.hideTrigger if options.hideTrigger

Sanitize all positions

    options[prop] = new Opentip.Joint(options[prop]) for prop in [
    ] when options[prop] and typeof options[prop] == "string"

If the url of an Ajax request is not set, get it from the link it's attached to.

    if options.ajax and (options.ajax == on or not options.ajax)
      if @adapter.tagName(@triggerElement) == "A"
        options.ajax = @adapter.attr @triggerElement, "href"
        options.ajax = off

If the event is 'click', no point in following a link

    if options.showOn == "click" && @adapter.tagName(@triggerElement) == "A"
      @adapter.observe @triggerElement, "click", (e) ->
        e.stopped = yes

Doesn't make sense to use a target without the opentip being fixed

    options.fixed = yes if options.target

    options.stem = new Opentip.Joint(options.tipJoint) if options.stem == yes

    if options.target == yes
      options.target = @triggerElement
    else if options.target
      options.target = @adapter.wrap options.target

    @currentStem = options.stem

    unless options.delay?
      options.delay = if options.showOn == "mouseover" then 0.2 else 0

    unless options.targetJoint?
      options.targetJoint = new Opentip.Joint(options.tipJoint).flip()

Used to show the opentip obviously

    @showTriggersWhenHidden = [ ]

Those ensure that opentip doesn't disappear when hovering other related elements

    @showTriggersWhenVisible = [ ]

Elements that hide Opentip

    @hideTriggers = [ ]

The obvious showTriggerELementWhenHidden is the options.showOn

    if options.showOn and options.showOn != "creation"
        element: @triggerElement
        event: options.showOn

    @options = options

Build the HTML elements when the dom is ready.

    @adapter.domReady => @_init()

Initializes the tooltip by creating the container and setting up the event listeners.

This does not yet create all elements. They are created when the tooltip actually shows for the first time.

This function activates the tooltip as well.

  _init: ->

    for hideTrigger, i in @options.hideTriggers
      hideTriggerElement = null

      hideOn = if @options.hideOn instanceof Array then @options.hideOn[i] else @options.hideOn

      if typeof hideTrigger == "string"
        switch hideTrigger
          when "trigger"
            hideOn = hideOn || "mouseout"
            hideTriggerElement = @triggerElement
          when "tip"
            hideOn = hideOn || "mouseover"
            hideTriggerElement = @container
          when "target"
            hideOn = hideOn || "mouseover"
            hideTriggerElement = this.options.target
          when "closeButton"

The close button gets handled later

            throw new Error "Unknown hide trigger: #{hideTrigger}."
        hideOn = hideOn || "mouseover"
        hideTriggerElement = @adapter.wrap hideTrigger

      if hideTriggerElement
          element: hideTriggerElement
          event: hideOn

        if hideOn == "mouseout"

When the hide trigger is mouseout, we have to attach a mouseover trigger to that element, so the tooltip doesn't disappear when hovering child elements. (Hovering children fires a mouseout mouseover event)

            element: hideTriggerElement
            event: "mouseover"

    @bound = { }
    @bound[methodToBind] = (do (methodToBind) => return => @[methodToBind].apply this, arguments) for methodToBind in [


    @prepareToShow() if @options.showOn == "creation"

This just builds the opentip container, which is the absolute minimum to attach events to it.

The actual creation of the elements is in buildElements()

  _buildContainer: ->
    @container = @adapter.create """<div id="opentip-#{@id}" class="#{@class.container} #{@class.hidden} #{@class.stylePrefix}#{@options.className}"></div>"""

    @adapter.css @container, position: "absolute"

    @adapter.addClass @container, @class.loading if @options.ajax
    @adapter.addClass @container, @class.fixed if @options.fixed
    @adapter.addClass @container, "#{@class.showEffectPrefix}#{@options.showEffect}" if @options.showEffect
    @adapter.addClass @container, "#{@class.hideEffectPrefix}#{@options.hideEffect}" if @options.hideEffect

Builds all elements inside the container and put the container in body.

  _buildElements: ->

The actual content will be set by _updateElementContent()

    @tooltipElement = @adapter.create """<div class="#{@class.opentip}"><header></header><div class="#{@class.content}"></div></div>"""

    @backgroundCanvas = @adapter.create """<canvas style="position: absolute;"></canvas>"""

    headerElement = @adapter.find @tooltipElement, "header"

    if @options.title

Create the title element and append it to the header

      titleElement = @adapter.create """<h1></h1>"""
      @adapter.update titleElement, @options.title, @options.escapeTitle
      @adapter.append headerElement, titleElement

    if @options.ajax
      @adapter.append @tooltipElement, @adapter.create """<div class="#{@class.loadingIndicator}"><span>Loading...</span></div>"""

    if "closeButton" in @options.hideTriggers
      @closeButtonElement = @adapter.create """<a href="javascript:undefined;" class="#{@class.close}"><span>Close</span></a>"""
      @adapter.append headerElement, @closeButtonElement

Now put the tooltip and the canvas in the container and the container in the body

    @adapter.append @container, @backgroundCanvas
    @adapter.append @container, @tooltipElement
    @adapter.append document.body, @container

Sets the content and updates the HTML element if currently visible

This can be a function or a string. The function will be executed, and the result used as new content of the tooltip.

  setContent: (@content) -> @_updateElementContent() if @visible

Actually updates the content.

If content is a function it is evaluated here.

  _updateElementContent: ->
    contentDiv = @adapter.find @container, ".content"

    if contentDiv?
      if typeof @content == "function"
        @debug "Executing content function."
        @content = @content this
      @adapter.update contentDiv, @content, @options.escapeContent


Sets width auto to the element so it uses the appropriate width, gets the dimensions and sets them so the tolltip won't change in size (which can be annoying when the tooltip gets too close to the browser edge)

  _storeAndLockDimensions: ->
    prevDimension = @dimensions

    @adapter.css @container,
      width: "auto"
      left: "0px" # So it doesn't force wrapping
      top: "0px"
    @dimensions = @adapter.dimensions @container

    @adapter.css @container,
      width: "#{@dimensions.width}px"
      top: "#{@currentPosition.top}px"
      left: "#{@currentPosition.left}px"

    unless @_dimensionsEqual @dimensions, prevDimension
      @redraw = on 

Sets up appropriate observers

  activate: ->
    @_setupObservers "-showing", "-visible", "hidden", "hiding"

Hides the tooltip and sets up appropriate observers

  deactivate: ->
    @debug "Deactivating tooltip."

If a state starts with a minus all observers are removed instead of set.

  _setupObservers: (states...) ->
    for state in states

      removeObserver = no
      if state.charAt(0) == "-"
        removeObserver = yes
        state = state.substr 1 # Remove leading -

Do nothing if the state is already achieved

      continue if @currentObservers[state] is not removeObserver
      @currentObservers[state] = not removeObserver

      observeOrStop = (args...) =>
        if removeObserver then @adapter.stopObserving args...
        else @adapter.observe args...

      switch state
        when "showing"

Setup the triggers to hide the tip

          for trigger in @hideTriggers
            observeOrStop trigger.element, trigger.event, @bound.prepareToHide

Start listening to window changes

          observeOrStop (if document.onresize? then document else window), "resize", @bound.reposition
          observeOrStop window, "scroll", @bound.reposition

        when "visible"

Most of the observers have already been handled by "showing" Add the triggers that make sure opentip doesn't hide prematurely

          for trigger in @showTriggersWhenVisible
            observeOrStop trigger.element, trigger.event, @bound.prepareToShow

        when "hiding"

Setup the triggers to show the tip

          for trigger in @showTriggersWhenHidden
            observeOrStop trigger.element, trigger.event, @bound.prepareToShow
        when "hidden"

Nothing to do since all observers are setup in "hiding"

          throw new Error "Unknown state: #{state}"

    null # No unnecessary array collection

  prepareToShow: ->
    return if @visible

    @debug "Showing in #{@options.delay}s."

    Opentip._abortShowingGroup @options.group if @options.group

    @preparingToShow = true

Even though it is not yet visible, I already attach the observers, so the tooltip won't show if a hideEvent is triggered.

    @_setupObservers "-hidden", "-hiding", "showing"

Making sure the tooltip is at the right position as soon as it shows


    @_showTimeoutId = @setTimeout @bound.show, @options.delay || 0

  show: ->
    return if @visible

    return @deactivate() unless @_triggerElementExists()

    @debug "Showing now."

    Opentip._hideGroup @options.group if @options.group

    @visible = yes
    @preparingToShow = no

    @_buildElements() unless @tooltipElement?

    @_loadAjax() if @options.ajax and (not @loaded or not @options.ajaxCache)



    @adapter.css @container, zIndex: Opentip.lastZIndex++

The order is important here! Do not reverse.

    @_setupObservers "-hidden", "-hiding", "showing", "visible"


    @adapter.removeClass @container, @class.hiding
    @adapter.removeClass @container, @class.hidden
    @adapter.addClass @container, @class.goingToShow
    @setCss3Style @container, transitionDuration: "0s"

    @defer =>
      @adapter.removeClass @container, @class.goingToShow
      @adapter.addClass @container, @class.showing

      delay = 0
      delay = @options.showEffectDuration if @options.showEffect and @options.showEffectDuration
      @setCss3Style @container, transitionDuration: "#{delay}s"

      @_visibilityStateTimeoutId = @setTimeout =>
        @adapter.removeClass @container, @class.showing
        @adapter.addClass @container, @class.visible
      , delay


Just making sure the canvas has been drawn initially. It could happen that the canvas isn't drawn yet when reposition is called once before the canvas element has been created. If the position doesn't change after it will never call @_draw() again.


  _abortShowing: ->
    if @preparingToShow
      @debug "Aborting showing."
      @preparingToShow = false
      @_setupObservers "-showing", "-visible", "hiding", "hidden"

  prepareToHide: ->

    return unless @visible

    @debug "Hiding in #{@options.hideDelay}s"

    @preparingToHide = yes

We start observing even though it is not yet hidden, so the tooltip does not disappear when a showEvent is triggered.

    @_setupObservers "-showing", "-visible", "-hidden", "hiding"

    @_hideTimeoutId = @setTimeout @bound.hide, @options.hideDelay

  hide: ->

    return unless @visible

    @debug "Hiding!"

    @visible = no

    @preparingToHide = no


    @_setupObservers "-showing", "-visible", "hiding", "hidden"

    @_stopFollowingMousePosition() unless @options.fixed

    @adapter.removeClass @container, @class.visible
    @adapter.removeClass @container, @class.showing
    @adapter.addClass @container, @class.goingToHide
    @setCss3Style @container, transitionDuration: "0s"

    @defer =>
      @adapter.removeClass @container, @class.goingToHide
      @adapter.addClass @container, @class.hiding

      hideDelay = 0
      hideDelay = @options.hideEffectDuration if @options.hideEffect and @options.hideEffectDuration
      @setCss3Style @container, { transitionDuration: "#{hideDelay}s" }

      @_visibilityStateTimeoutId = @setTimeout =>
        @adapter.removeClass @container, @class.hiding
        @adapter.addClass @container, @class.hidden
        @setCss3Style @container, { transitionDuration: "0s" }
      , hideDelay

  _abortHiding: ->
    if @preparingToHide
      @debug "Aborting hiding."
      @preparingToHide = no
      @_setupObservers "-hiding", "showing", "visible"

  reposition: (e) ->
    e ?= @lastEvent

    position = @getPosition e
    return unless position?

    {position, stem} = @_ensureViewportContainment e, position

If the position didn't change, no need to do anything

    return if @_positionsEqual position, @currentPosition

The only time the canvas has to bee redrawn is when the stem changes.

    @redraw = on unless !@options.stem or stem.eql @currentStem

    @currentPosition = position
    @currentStem = stem

_draw() itself tests if it has to be redrawn.


    @adapter.css @container, { left: "#{position.left}px", top: "#{position.top}px" }

Following is a redraw fix, because I noticed some drawing errors in some browsers when tooltips where overlapping.

    @defer =>
      rawContainer = @adapter.unwrap @container

I chose visibility instead of display so that I don't interfere with appear/disappear effects.

      rawContainer.style.visibility = "hidden"
      redrawFix = rawContainer.offsetHeight
      rawContainer.style.visibility = "visible"

  getPosition: (e, tipJoint, targetJoint, stem) ->

    tipJoint ?= @options.tipJoint
    targetJoint ?= @options.targetJoint

    position = { }

    if @options.target

Position is fixed

      targetPosition = @adapter.offset @options.target
      targetDimensions = @adapter.dimensions @options.target

      position = targetPosition

      if targetJoint.right

For wrapping inline elements, left + width does not give the right border, because left is where the element started, not its most left position.

        unwrappedTarget = @adapter.unwrap @options.target
        if unwrappedTarget.getBoundingClientRect?

TODO: make sure this actually works.

          position.left = unwrappedTarget.getBoundingClientRect().right + (window.pageXOffset ? document.body.scrollLeft)

Well... browser doesn't support it

          position.left += targetDimensions.width
      else if targetJoint.center


        position.left += Math.round targetDimensions.width / 2

      if targetJoint.bottom
        position.top += targetDimensions.height
      else if targetJoint.middle


        position.top += Math.round targetDimensions.height / 2

      if @options.borderWidth
        if @options.tipJoint.left
          position.left += @options.borderWidth
        if @options.tipJoint.right
          position.left -= @options.borderWidth
        if @options.tipJoint.top
          position.top += @options.borderWidth
        else if @options.tipJoint.bottom
          position.top -= @options.borderWidth


Follow mouse

      @lastEvent = e if e?
      mousePosition = @adapter.mousePosition e
      return unless mousePosition?
      position = top: mousePosition.y, left: mousePosition.x

    if @options.autoOffset
      stemLength = if @options.stem then @options.stemLength else 0

If there is as stem offsets dont need to be that big if fixed.

      offsetDistance = if stemLength and @options.fixed then 2 else 10

Corners can be closer but when middle or center they are too close

      additionalHorizontal = if tipJoint.middle and not @options.fixed then 15 else 0
      additionalVertical = if tipJoint.center and not @options.fixed then 15 else 0

      if tipJoint.right then position.left -= offsetDistance + additionalHorizontal
      else if tipJoint.left then position.left += offsetDistance + additionalHorizontal

      if tipJoint.bottom then position.top -= offsetDistance + additionalVertical
      else if tipJoint.top then position.top += offsetDistance + additionalVertical

      if stemLength
        stem ?= @options.stem
        if stem.right then position.left -= stemLength
        else if stem.left then position.left += stemLength

        if stem.bottom then position.top -= stemLength
        else if stem.top then position.top += stemLength

    position.left += @options.offset[0]
    position.top += @options.offset[1]

    if tipJoint.right then position.left -= @dimensions.width
    else if tipJoint.center then position.left -= Math.round @dimensions.width / 2

    if tipJoint.bottom then position.top -= @dimensions.height
    else if tipJoint.middle then position.top -= Math.round @dimensions.height / 2


  _ensureViewportContainment: (e, position) ->

    stem = @options.stem

    originals = {
      position: position
      stem: stem

Sometimes the element is theoretically visible, but an effect is not yet showing it. So the calculation of the offsets is incorrect sometimes, which results in faulty repositioning.

    return originals unless @visible and position
    sticksOut = @_sticksOut position

    return originals unless sticksOut[0] or sticksOut[1]

    tipJoint = new Opentip.Joint @options.tipJoint
    targetJoint = new Opentip.Joint @options.targetJoint if @options.targetJoint

    scrollOffset = @adapter.scrollOffset()
    viewportDimensions = @adapter.viewportDimensions()

The opentip's position inside the viewport

    viewportPosition = [
      position.left - scrollOffset[0]
      position.top - scrollOffset[1]

    needsRepositioning = no

    if viewportDimensions.width >= @dimensions.width

Well if the viewport is smaller than the tooltip there's not much to do

      if sticksOut[0]
        needsRepositioning = yes

        switch sticksOut[0]
          when @STICKS_OUT_LEFT
            tipJoint.setHorizontal "left"
            targetJoint.setHorizontal "right" if @options.targetJoint
          when @STICKS_OUT_RIGHT
            tipJoint.setHorizontal "right"
            targetJoint.setHorizontal "left" if @options.targetJoint

    if viewportDimensions.height >= @dimensions.height

Well if the viewport is smaller than the tooltip there's not much to do

      if sticksOut[1]
        needsRepositioning = yes

        switch sticksOut[1]
          when @STICKS_OUT_TOP
            tipJoint.setVertical "top"
            targetJoint.setVertical "bottom" if @options.targetJoint
          when @STICKS_OUT_BOTTOM
            tipJoint.setVertical "bottom"
            targetJoint.setVertical "top" if @options.targetJoint

    return originals unless needsRepositioning

Needs to reposition

TODO: actually handle the stem here

    stem = tipJoint if @options.stem
    position = @getPosition e, tipJoint, targetJoint, stem

    newSticksOut = @_sticksOut position

    revertedX = no
    revertedY = no

    if newSticksOut[0] and (newSticksOut[0] isnt sticksOut[0])

The tooltip changed sides, but now is sticking out the other side of the window.

      revertedX = yes
      tipJoint.setHorizontal @options.tipJoint.horizontal
      targetJoint.setHorizontal @options.targetJoint.horizontal if @options.targetJoint
    if newSticksOut[1] and (newSticksOut[1] isnt sticksOut[1])
      revertedY = yes
      tipJoint.setVertical @options.tipJoint.vertical
      targetJoint.setVertical @options.targetJoint.vertical if @options.targetJoint

    return originals if revertedX and revertedY
    if revertedX or revertedY

One of the positions have been reverted. So get the position again.

      stem = tipJoint if @options.stem
      position = @getPosition e, tipJoint, targetJoint, stem

      position: position
      stem: stem

  _sticksOut: (position) ->
    scrollOffset = @adapter.scrollOffset()
    viewportDimensions = @adapter.viewportDimensions()
    positionOffset = [
      position.left - scrollOffset[0]
      position.top - scrollOffset[1]

    sticksOut = [ no, no ]

    if positionOffset[0] < 0
      sticksOut[0] = @STICKS_OUT_LEFT 
    else if positionOffset[0] + @dimensions.width > viewportDimensions.width
      sticksOut[0] = @STICKS_OUT_RIGHT

    if positionOffset[1] < 0
      sticksOut[1] = @STICKS_OUT_TOP 
    else if positionOffset[1] + @dimensions.height > viewportDimensions.height
      sticksOut[1] = @STICKS_OUT_BOTTOM 


This is by far the most complex and difficult function to understand. I tried to comment everything as good as possible

  _draw: ->

This function could be called before _buildElements()

    return unless @backgroundCanvas and @redraw

    @debug "Drawing background."

    @redraw = off

Prepare for the close button

    closeButtonInner = [ 0, 0 ]
    closeButtonOuter = [ 0, 0 ]
    if "closeButton" in @options.hideTriggers
      closeButton = new Opentip.Joint(if @currentStem?.toString() == "top right" then "top left" else "top right")
      closeButtonInner = [
        @options.closeButtonRadius + @options.closeButtonOffset[0]
        @options.closeButtonRadius + @options.closeButtonOffset[1]
      closeButtonOuter = [
        @options.closeButtonRadius - @options.closeButtonOffset[0]
        @options.closeButtonRadius - @options.closeButtonOffset[1]

Now for the canvas dimensions and position

    canvasDimensions = @adapter.clone @dimensions
    canvasPosition = [ 0, 0 ]

Account for border

    if @options.borderWidth
      canvasDimensions.width += @options.borderWidth * 2
      canvasDimensions.height += @options.borderWidth * 2
      canvasPosition[0] -= @options.borderWidth
      canvasPosition[1] -= @options.borderWidth

Account for the shadow

    if @options.shadow
      canvasDimensions.width += @options.shadowBlur * 2

If the shadow offset is bigger than the actual shadow blur, the whole canvas gets bigger

      canvasDimensions.width += Math.max 0, @options.shadowOffset[0] - @options.shadowBlur * 2
      canvasDimensions.height += @options.shadowBlur * 2
      canvasDimensions.height += Math.max 0, @options.shadowOffset[1] - @options.shadowBlur * 2

      canvasPosition[0] -= Math.max 0, @options.shadowBlur - @options.shadowOffset[0]
      canvasPosition[1] -= Math.max 0, @options.shadowBlur - @options.shadowOffset[1]

Bulges could be caused by stems or close buttons

    bulge = left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0

Account for the stem

    if @currentStem
      if @currentStem.left then bulge.left = @options.stemLength
      else if @currentStem.right then bulge.right = @options.stemLength

      if @currentStem.top then bulge.top = @options.stemLength
      else if @currentStem.bottom then bulge.bottom = @options.stemLength

Account for the close button

    if closeButton
      if closeButton.left then bulge.left = Math.max bulge.left, closeButtonOuter[0]
      else if closeButton.right then bulge.right = Math.max bulge.right, closeButtonOuter[0]

      if closeButton.top then bulge.top = Math.max bulge.top, closeButtonOuter[1]
      else if closeButton.bottom then bulge.bottom = Math.max bulge.bottom, closeButtonOuter[1]

    canvasDimensions.width += bulge.left + bulge.right
    canvasDimensions.height += bulge.top + bulge.bottom
    canvasPosition[0] -= bulge.left
    canvasPosition[1] -= bulge.top

    if @currentStem and @options.borderWidth
      {stemLength, stemBase} = @_getPathStemMeasures @options.stemBase, @options.stemLength, @options.borderWidth

Need to draw on the DOM canvas element itself

    backgroundCanvas = @adapter.unwrap @backgroundCanvas

    backgroundCanvas.width = canvasDimensions.width
    backgroundCanvas.height = canvasDimensions.height

    @adapter.css @backgroundCanvas,
      width: "#{backgroundCanvas.width}px"
      height: "#{backgroundCanvas.height}px"
      left: "#{canvasPosition[0]}px"
      top: "#{canvasPosition[1]}px"

    ctx = backgroundCanvas.getContext "2d"

    ctx.clearRect 0, 0, backgroundCanvas.width, backgroundCanvas.height

    ctx.fillStyle = @_getColor ctx, @dimensions, @options.background, @options.backgroundGradientHorizontal
    ctx.lineJoin = "miter"
    ctx.miterLimit = 500

Since borders are always in the middle and I want them outside I need to draw the actual path half the border width outset.

(hb = half border)

    hb = @options.borderWidth / 2

    if @options.borderWidth
      ctx.strokeStyle = @options.borderColor
      ctx.lineWidth = @options.borderWidth
      stemLength = @options.stemLength
      stemBase = @options.stemBase

Draws a line with stem if necessary

    drawLine = (length, stem, first) =>
      if first

This ensures that the outline is properly closed

        ctx.moveTo Math.max(stemBase, @options.borderRadius, closeButtonInner[0]) + 1 - hb, -hb
      if stem
        ctx.lineTo length / 2 - stemBase / 2, -hb
        ctx.lineTo length / 2, - stemLength - hb
        ctx.lineTo length / 2 + stemBase / 2, -hb

Draws a corner with stem if necessary

    drawCorner = (stem, closeButton, i) =>
      if stem
        ctx.lineTo -stemBase + hb, 0 - hb
        ctx.lineTo stemLength + hb, -stemLength - hb
        ctx.lineTo hb, stemBase - hb
      else if closeButton
        offset = @options.closeButtonOffset
        innerWidth = closeButtonInner[0]

        if i % 2 != 0

Since the canvas gets rotated for every corner, but the close button is always defined as [ horizontal, vertical ] offsets, I have to switch the offsets in case the canvas is rotated by 90degs

          offset = [ offset[1], offset[0] ]
          innerWidth = closeButtonInner[1]

Basic math

I added a graphical explanation since it's sometimes hard to understand geometrical calculations without visualization: https://raw.github.com/enyo/opentip/develop/files/close-button-angle.png

        angle1 = Math.acos(offset[1] / @options.closeButtonRadius)
        angle2 = Math.acos(offset[0] / @options.closeButtonRadius)

        ctx.lineTo -innerWidth + hb, -hb
        ctx.arc hb-offset[0], -hb+offset[1], @options.closeButtonRadius, -(Math.PI / 2 + angle1), angle2
        ctx.lineTo -@options.borderRadius + hb, -hb
        ctx.quadraticCurveTo hb, -hb, hb, @options.borderRadius - hb

Start drawing without caring about the shadows or stems The canvas position is exactly the amount that has been moved to account for shadows and stems

    ctx.translate -canvasPosition[0], -canvasPosition[1]


    do => # Wrapping variables

This part is a bit funky... All in all I just iterate over all four corners, translate the canvas to it and rotate it so the next line goes to the right. This way I can call drawLine and drawCorner withouth them knowing which line their actually currently drawing.

      for i in [0...Opentip.positions.length/2]
        positionIdx = i * 2

        positionX = if i == 0 or i == 3 then 0 else @dimensions.width
        positionY = if i < 2 then 0 else @dimensions.height
        rotation = (Math.PI / 2) * i
        lineLength = if i % 2 == 0 then @dimensions.width else @dimensions.height
        lineStem = new Opentip.Joint Opentip.positions[positionIdx]
        cornerStem = new Opentip.Joint Opentip.positions[positionIdx + 1]

        ctx.translate positionX, positionY
        ctx.rotate rotation
        drawLine lineLength, lineStem.eql(@currentStem), i == 0
        ctx.translate lineLength, 0
        drawCorner cornerStem.eql(@currentStem), cornerStem.eql(closeButton), i


    if @options.shadow
      ctx.shadowColor = @options.shadowColor
      ctx.shadowBlur = @options.shadowBlur
      ctx.shadowOffsetX = @options.shadowOffset[0]
      ctx.shadowOffsetY = @options.shadowOffset[1]

    ctx.restore() # Without shadow
    ctx.stroke() if @options.borderWidth

    ctx.restore() # Without shadow

    if closeButton
      do =>

Draw the cross

        crossWidth = crossHeight = @options.closeButtonRadius * 2

        if closeButton.toString() == "top right"
          linkCenter = [
            @dimensions.width - @options.closeButtonOffset[0]
          crossCenter = [
            linkCenter[0] + hb
            linkCenter[1] - hb
          linkCenter = [
          crossCenter = [
            linkCenter[0] - hb
            linkCenter[1] - hb

        ctx.translate crossCenter[0], crossCenter[1]

        hcs = @options.closeButtonCrossSize / 2



        ctx.strokeStyle = @options.closeButtonCrossColor
        ctx.lineWidth = @options.closeButtonCrossLineWidth
        ctx.lineCap = "round"

        ctx.moveTo -hcs, -hcs
        ctx.lineTo hcs, hcs

        ctx.moveTo hcs, -hcs
        ctx.lineTo -hcs, hcs


Position the link

        @adapter.css @closeButtonElement,
          left: "#{linkCenter[0] - hcs - @options.closeButtonLinkOverscan}px"
          top: "#{linkCenter[1] - hcs - @options.closeButtonLinkOverscan}px"
          width: "#{@options.closeButtonCrossSize + @options.closeButtonLinkOverscan * 2}px"
          height: "#{@options.closeButtonCrossSize + @options.closeButtonLinkOverscan * 2}px"

I have to account for the border width when implementing the stems. The tip height & width obviously should be added to the outer border, but the path is drawn in the middle of the border. If I just draw the stem size specified on the path, the stem will be bigger than requested.

So I have to calculate the stemBase and stemLength of the path stem.

  _getPathStemMeasures: (outerStemBase, outerStemLength, borderWidth) ->

Now for some math!


/ | angle / | \ / | \ /_|_\

    hb = borderWidth / 2

This is the angle of the tip

    halfAngle = Math.atan (outerStemBase / 2) / outerStemLength
    angle = halfAngle * 2

The rhombus from the border tip to the path tip

    rhombusSide = hb / Math.sin angle

    distanceBetweenTips = 2 * rhombusSide * Math.cos halfAngle
    stemLength = hb + outerStemLength - distanceBetweenTips

    throw new Error "Sorry but your stemLength / stemBase ratio is strange." if stemLength < 0

Now calculate the new base

    stemBase = (Math.tan(halfAngle) * stemLength) * 2

    { stemLength: stemLength, stemBase: stemBase }

Turns a color string into a possible gradient

  _getColor: (ctx, dimensions, color, horizontal = no) ->

There is no comma so just return

    return color if typeof color == "string"

Create gradient

    if horizontal
      gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient 0, 0, dimensions.width, 0
      gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient 0, 0, 0, dimensions.height

    for colorStop, i in color
      gradient.addColorStop colorStop[0], colorStop[1]


  _searchAndActivateCloseButtons: ->
    for element in @adapter.findAll @container, ".#{@class.close}"
        element: @adapter.wrap element
        event: "click"

Creating the observers for the new close buttons

    @_setupObservers "-showing", "showing" if @currentObservers.showing
    @_setupObservers "-visible", "visible" if @currentObservers.visible

  _activateFirstInput: ->
    input = @adapter.unwrap @adapter.find @container, "input, textarea"

Calls reposition() everytime the mouse moves

  _followMousePosition: -> @adapter.observe document.body, "mousemove", @bound.reposition unless @options.fixed

Removes observer

  _stopFollowingMousePosition: -> @adapter.stopObserving document.body, "mousemove", @bound.reposition unless @options.fixed

I thinks those are self explanatory

  _clearShowTimeout: -> clearTimeout @_showTimeoutId
  _clearHideTimeout: -> clearTimeout @_hideTimeoutId
  _clearTimeouts: ->
    clearTimeout @_visibilityStateTimeoutId

Makes sure the trigger element exists, is visible, and part of this world.

  _triggerElementExists: ->
    el = @adapter.unwrap @triggerElement
    while el.parentNode
      return yes if el.parentNode.tagName == "BODY"
      el = el.parentNode

TODO: Add a check if the element is actually visible

    return no

  _loadAjax: ->
    return if @loading

    @loaded = no
    @loading = yes
    @adapter.addClass @container, @class.loading

    @debug "Loading content from #{@options.ajax}"

      url: @options.ajax
      method: @options.ajaxMethod
      onSuccess: (responseText) =>
        @debug "Loading successful."

This has to happen before setting the content since loading indicators may still be visible.

        @adapter.removeClass @container, @class.loading
        @setContent responseText
      onError: (error) =>
        message = "There was a problem downloading the content."
        @debug message, error
        @setContent message
        @adapter.addClass @container, @class.ajaxError
      onComplete: =>
        @adapter.removeClass @container, @class.loading
        @loading = no
        @loaded = yes

Regularely checks if the element is still in the dom.

  _ensureTriggerElement: ->
    unless @_triggerElementExists()

In milliseconds, how often opentip should check for the existance of the element

  _ensureTriggerElementInterval: 1000

Sets up an interval to call _ensureTriggerElement regularely

  _startEnsureTriggerElement: ->
    @_ensureTriggerElementTimeoutId = setInterval (=> @_ensureTriggerElement()), @_ensureTriggerElementInterval

Stops the interval

  _stopEnsureTriggerElement: ->
    clearInterval @_ensureTriggerElementTimeoutId


vendors = [

Sets a sepcific css3 value for all vendors

Opentip::setCss3Style = (element, styles) ->
  element = @adapter.unwrap element
  for own prop, value of styles
    if element.style[prop]?
      element.style[prop] = value
      for vendor in vendors
        vendorProp = "#{@ucfirst vendor}#{@ucfirst prop}"
        element.style[vendorProp] = value if element.style[vendorProp]?

Defers the call

Opentip::defer = (func) -> setTimeout func, 0

Changes seconds to milliseconds

Opentip::setTimeout = (func, seconds) -> setTimeout func, if seconds then seconds * 1000 else 0

Turns only the first character uppercase

Opentip::ucfirst = (string) ->
  return "" unless string?
  string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1)

Converts a camelized string into a dasherized one

Opentip::dasherize = (string) ->
  string.replace /([A-Z])/g, (_, char) -> "-#{char.toLowerCase()}"

Every position is converted to this class

class Opentip.Joint

Accepts pointer in nearly every form.

  • "top left"
  • "topLeft"
  • "top-left"
  • "RIGHT to TOP"

All that counts is that the words top, bottom, left or right are present.

It also accepts a Pointer object, creating a new object then

  constructor: (pointerString) ->
    return unless pointerString?

    if pointerString instanceof Opentip.Joint
      pointerString = pointerString.toString()

    @set pointerString


  set: (string) ->
    string = string.toLowerCase()

    @setHorizontal string
    @setVertical string


  setHorizontal: (string) ->
    valid = [ "left", "center", "right" ]
    @horizontal = i.toLowerCase() for i in valid when ~string.indexOf i
    @horizontal = "center" unless @horizontal?

    for i in valid
      this[i] = if @horizontal == i then i else undefined

  setVertical: (string) ->
    valid = [ "top", "middle", "bottom" ]
    @vertical = i.toLowerCase() for i in valid when ~string.indexOf i
    @vertical = "middle" unless @vertical?
    for i in valid
      this[i] = if @vertical == i then i else undefined

Checks if two pointers point in the same direction

  eql: (pointer) ->
    pointer? and @horizontal == pointer.horizontal and @vertical == pointer.vertical

Turns topLeft into bottomRight

  flip: ->
    positionIdx = Opentip.position[@toString yes]

There are 8 positions, and smart as I am I layed them out in a circle.

    flippedIndex = (positionIdx + 4) % 8
    @set Opentip.positions[flippedIndex]

  toString: (camelized = no) ->
    vertical = if @vertical == "middle" then "" else @vertical
    horizontal = if @horizontal == "center" then "" else @horizontal

    if vertical and horizontal
      if camelized then horizontal = Opentip::ucfirst horizontal
      else horizontal = " #{horizontal}"


Returns true if top and left are equal

Opentip::_positionsEqual = (posA, posB) ->
  posA? and posB? and posA.left == posB.left and posA.top == posB.top

Returns true if width and height are equal

Opentip::_dimensionsEqual = (dimA, dimB) ->
  dimA? and dimB? and dimA.width == dimB.width and dimA.height == dimB.height

Just forwards to console.debug if Opentip.debug is true and console.debug exists.

Opentip::debug = (args...) ->
  if Opentip.debug and console?.debug?
    args.unshift "##{@id} |"
    console.debug args... 


Opentip.findElements = ->
  adapter = Opentip.adapter

Go through all elements with data-ot="[...]"

  for element in adapter.findAll document.body, "[data-ot]"
    options = { }

    content = adapter.data element, "ot"

    if content in [ "", "true", "yes"]

Take the content from the title attribute

      content = adapter.attr element, "title"
      adapter.attr element, "title", ""

    content = content || ""

    for optionName of Opentip.styles.standard
      if optionValue = adapter.data element, "ot#{Opentip::ucfirst optionName}"
        if optionValue in [ "yes", "true", "on" ] then optionValue = true 
        else if optionValue in [ "no", "false", "off" ] then optionValue = false
        options[optionName] = optionValue

    new Opentip element, content, options

Publicly available

Opentip.version = "2.0.0-dev"

Opentip.debug = off

Opentip.lastId = 0

Opentip.lastZIndex = 100

Opentip.tips = [ ]

Opentip._abortShowingGroup = ->


Opentip._hideGroup = ->


A list of possible adapters. Used for testing

Opentip.adapters = { }

The current adapter used.

Opentip.adapter = null

firstAdapter = yes
Opentip.addAdapter = (adapter) ->
  Opentip.adapters[adapter.name] = adapter
  if firstAdapter
    Opentip.adapter = adapter
    adapter.domReady Opentip.findElements
    firstAdapter = no

Opentip.positions = [
Opentip.position = { }
for position, i in Opentip.positions
  Opentip.position[position] = i

The standard style.

Opentip.styles =

This style also contains all default values for other styles.

Following abbreviations are used:

  • POINTER : a string that contains at least one of top, bottom, right or left
  • OFFSET : [ XVALUE, YVALUE ] (integers)
  • ELEMENT : element or element id

Will be set if provided in constructor

    title: undefined

Whether the provided title should be html escaped

    escapeTitle: yes

Whether the content should be html escaped

    escapeContent: no

The class name to be added to the HTML element

    className: "standard"
  • false (no stem)
  • true (stem at tipJoint position)
  • POINTER (for stems in other directions)
    stem: yes

float (in seconds) If null, the default is used: 0.2 for mouseover, 0 for click

    delay: null

See delay

    hideDelay: 0.1

If target is not null, elements are always fixed.

    fixed: no
  • eventname (eg: "click", "mouseover", etc..)
  • "creation" (the tooltip will show when being created)
  • null if you want to handle it yourself (Opentip will not register for any events)
    showOn: "mouseover"
  • "trigger"
  • "tip"
  • "target"
  • "closeButton"

This is just a shortcut, and will be added to hideTriggers

    hideTrigger: "trigger"

An array of hideTriggers.

    hideTriggers: [ ]
  • eventname (eg: "click")
  • array of event strings if multiple hideTriggers
  • null (let Opentip decide)
    hideOn: null


    offset: [ 0, 0 ]

Whether the targetJoint/tipJoint should be changed if the tooltip is not in the viewport anymore.

    containInViewport: true

If set to true, offsets are calculated automatically to position the tooltip. (pixels are added if there are stems for example)

    autoOffset: true

    showEffect: "appear"
    hideEffect: "fade"
    showEffectDuration: 0.3
    hideEffectDuration: 0.2


    stemLength: 5


    stemBase: 8


    tipJoint: "top left"
  • null (no target, opentip uses mouse as target)
  • true (target is the triggerElement)
  • ELEMENT (for another element)
    target: null 
  • POINTER (Ignored if target == null)
  • null (targetJoint is the opposite of tipJoint)
    targetJoint: null 

AJAX URL Set to false if no AJAX or true if it's attached to an <a /> element. In the latter case the href attribute will be used.

    ajax: off

Which method should AJAX use.

    ajaxMethod: "GET"

If off, the content will be downloaded every time the tooltip is shown.

    ajaxCache: on

You can group opentips together. So when a tooltip shows, it looks if there are others in the same group, and hides them.

    group: null

Will be set automatically in constructor

    style: null

The background color of the tip

    background: "#fff18f"

Whether the gradient should be horizontal.

    backgroundGradientHorizontal: no

Positive values offset inside the tooltip

    closeButtonOffset: [ 5, 5 ]

The little circle that stick out of a tip

    closeButtonRadius: 7

Size of the cross

    closeButtonCrossSize: 4

Color of the cross

    closeButtonCrossColor: "#d2c35b"

The stroke width of the cross

    closeButtonCrossLineWidth: 1.5

You will most probably never want to change this. It specifies how many pixels the invisible element should be larger than the actual cross

    closeButtonLinkOverscan: 6

Border radius...

    borderRadius: 5

Set to 0 or false if you don't want a border

    borderWidth: 1

Normal CSS value

    borderColor: "#f2e37b"

Set to false if you don't want a shadow

    shadow: yes

How the shadow should be blurred. Set to 0 if you want a hard drop shadow

    shadowBlur: 10

Shadow offset...

    shadowOffset: [ 3, 3 ]

Shadow color...

    shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)"

    className: "slick"
    stem: true
    className: "rounded"
    stem: true
    className: "glass"
    className: "dark"
    borderRadius: 13
    borderColor: "#444"

    closeButtonCrossColor: "rgba(240, 240, 240, 1)"

    shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)"
    shadowOffset: [ 2, 2 ]
    background: [
      [ 0, "rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.7)" ]
      [ 0.5, "rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8)" ]
      [ 0.5, "rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.8)" ]
      [ 1, "rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.9)" ]

Change this to the style name you want all your tooltips to have as default.

Opentip.defaultStyle = "standard"

window.Opentip = Opentip