Last updated: 2018-07-30

workflowr checks: (Click a bullet for more information)
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Introduction. A vignette.

MASH v FLASH simulation results. Compares MASH and FLASH fits to data simulated from MASH and FLASH models.

MASH v FLASH on GTEx (strong tests). Compares MASH and FLASH fits to data from the GTEx project. FLASH does better imputing missing data.

MASH v FLASH detailed simulation study. Compares the performance of MASH and FLASH in a single simulation setting. MASH and FLASH perform differently on different covariance structures.

MASH v FLASH detailed GTEx study. Uses an improved workflow to examine differences in MASH and FLASH fits to GTEx data. Particularly strong effects in a single condition might cause MASH to miss smaller effects that are shared among conditions. But FLASH might miss very small effects that are shared across all conditions.

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr 1.0.1