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generateProfile() - Method in class com.cybozu.labs.langdetect.Command
Generate Language Profile from Wikipedia Abstract Database File
GenProfile - Class in com.cybozu.labs.langdetect
Load Wikipedia's abstract XML as corpus and generate its language profile in JSON format.
GenProfile() - Constructor for class com.cybozu.labs.langdetect.GenProfile
get(int) - Method in class com.cybozu.labs.langdetect.util.NGram
Get n-Gram
getCode() - Method in exception com.cybozu.labs.langdetect.LangDetectException
getLangList() - Static method in class com.cybozu.labs.langdetect.DetectorFactory
getProbabilities() - Method in class com.cybozu.labs.langdetect.Detector
Get language candidates which have high probabilities
getString(String) - Static method in class com.cybozu.labs.langdetect.util.Messages