Struct png::Info [] [src]

pub struct Info {
    pub width: u32,
    pub height: u32,
    pub bit_depth: BitDepth,
    pub color_type: ColorType,
    pub interlaced: bool,
    pub trns: Option<Vec<u8>>,
    pub pixel_dims: Option<PixelDimensions>,
    pub palette: Option<Vec<u8>>,
    pub frame_control: Option<FrameControl>,
    pub animation_control: Option<AnimationControl>,

PNG info struct



impl Info


Size of the image


Returns true if the image is an APNG image.


Returns the frame control information of the image


Returns the frame control information of the current frame


Returns the bits per pixel


Returns the bytes per pixel


Returns the number of bytes needed for one deinterlaced image


Returns the number of bytes needed for one deinterlaced row


Returns the number of bytes needed for one deinterlaced row of width width

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for Info


Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for Info


Returns the "default value" for a type. Read more