Struct image::hdr::HDRMetadata [] [src]

pub struct HDRMetadata {
    pub width: u32,
    pub height: u32,
    pub orientation: ((i8, i8), (i8, i8)),
    pub exposure: Option<f32>,
    pub color_correction: Option<(f32, f32, f32)>,
    pub pixel_aspect_ratio: Option<f32>,
    pub custom_attributes: Vec<(String, String)>,

Metadata for Radiance HDR image


Width of decoded image. It could be either scanline length, or scanline count, depending on image orientation.

Height of decoded image. It depends on orientation too.

Orientation matrix. For standart orientation it is ((1,0),(0,1)) - left to right, top to bottom. First pair tells how resulting pixel coordinates change along a scanline. Second pair tells how they change from one scanline to the next.

Divide color values by exposure to get to get physical radiance in watts/steradian/m^2 Image may not contain physical data, even if this field is set.

Divide color values by corresponing tuple member (r, g, b) to get to get physical radiance in watts/steradian/m^2 Image may not contain physical data, even if this field is set.

Pixel height divided by pixel width

All lines contained in image header are put here. Ordering of lines is preserved. Lines in the form "key=value" are represented as ("key", "value"). All other lines are ("", "line")

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for HDRMetadata


Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Clone for HDRMetadata


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more