Struct image::hdr::HDRAdapter [] [src]

pub struct HDRAdapter<R: BufRead> { /* fields omitted */ }

Adapter to conform to ImageDecoder trait


impl<R: BufRead> HDRAdapter<R>


Creates adapter


Allows reading old Radiance HDR images

Trait Implementations

impl<R: Debug + BufRead> Debug for HDRAdapter<R>


Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<R: BufRead> ImageDecoder for HDRAdapter<R>


Returns a tuple containing the width and height of the image


Returns the color type of the image e.g. RGB(8) (8bit RGB)


Returns the length in bytes of one decoded row of the image


Reads one row from the image into buf and returns the row index


Decodes the entire image and return it as a Vector


Returns true if the image is animated


Returns the frames of the image Read more


Decodes a specific region of the image, represented by the rectangle starting from x and y and having length and width Read more