Struct gif::Decoder [] [src]

pub struct Decoder<R: Read> { /* fields omitted */ }

GIF decoder


impl<R: Read> Decoder<R>


Creates a new decoder builder


Reads the logical screen descriptor including the global color palette

Returns a Reader. All decoder configuration has to be done beforehand.

Trait Implementations

impl<T, R> Parameter<Decoder<R>> for T where
    T: Parameter<StreamingDecoder>,
    R: Read

Result type of set_param.


Sets self as a parameter of Object.

impl<R: Read> Parameter<Decoder<R>> for ColorOutput

Result type of set_param.


Sets self as a parameter of Object.

impl<R: Read> Parameter<Decoder<R>> for MemoryLimit

Result type of set_param.


Sets self as a parameter of Object.