Struct gfx::Encoder [] [src]

pub struct Encoder<R: Resources, C: CommandBuffer<R>> { /* fields omitted */ }

Graphics Command Encoder


The Encoder is a wrapper structure around a CommandBuffer. It is responsible for sending commands to the CommandBuffer.

Construction & Handling

The Encoder implements From<CommandBuffer>, which is how it is constructed. There is no cross-API way to create a CommandBuffer, however, an API back-end should expose a function to create one in its Factory type. See the specific back-end for details on how to construct a CommandBuffer.

The encoder exposes multiple functions that add commands to its internal CommandBuffer. To submit these commands to the GPU so they can be rendered, call flush.


impl<R: Resources, C: CommandBuffer<R>> Encoder<R, C>


Submits the commands in this Encoder's internal CommandBuffer to the GPU, so they can be executed.

Calling flush before swapping buffers is critical as without it the commands of the internal ´CommandBuffer´ will not be sent to the GPU, and as a result they will not be processed. Calling flush too often however will result in a performance hit. It is generally recommended to call flush once per frame, when all draw calls have been made.


Clone the renderer shared data but ignore the commands.


Update a buffer with a slice of data.


Update a buffer with a single structure.


Update the contents of a texture.


Clears the supplied RenderTargetView to the supplied ClearColor.


Clear a depth view with a specified value.


Clear a stencil view with a specified value.


Draws a slice::Slice using a pipeline state object, and its matching Data structure.

Trait Implementations

impl<R: Resources, C: CommandBuffer<R>> From<C> for Encoder<R, C>


Performs the conversion.