Struct conrod::widget::drop_down_list::Style [] [src]

pub struct Style {
    pub color: Option<Color>,
    pub border: Option<Scalar>,
    pub border_color: Option<Color>,
    pub label_color: Option<Color>,
    pub label_font_size: Option<FontSize>,
    pub label_x_align: Option<Align>,
    pub maybe_max_visible_height: Option<Option<MaxHeight>>,
    pub scrollbar_position: Option<Option<ScrollbarPosition>>,
    pub scrollbar_width: Option<Option<Scalar>>,
    pub label_font_id: Option<Option<Id>>,

Styling for the DropDownList, necessary for constructing its renderable Element.


Color of the widget.

Width of the widget's border.

Color of the widget's border.

Color of the item labels.

Font size for the item labels.

The label's alignment over the x axis.

Maximum height of the Open menu before the scrollbar appears.

The position of the scrollbar in the case that the list is scrollable.

The width of the scrollbar in the case that the list is scrollable.

The ID of the font used to display the labels.


impl Style


Construct the default Style, initialising all fields to None.

impl Style


Retrieves the value from the Style.

If the Style's field is None, falls back to default specified within the Theme.


Retrieves the value from the Style.

If the Style's field is None, falls back to default specified within the Theme.


Retrieves the value from the Style.

If the Style's field is None, falls back to default specified within the Theme.


Retrieves the value from the Style.

If the Style's field is None, falls back to default specified within the Theme.


Retrieves the value from the Style.

If the Style's field is None, falls back to default specified within the Theme.


Retrieves the value from the Style.

If the Style's field is None, falls back to default specified within the Theme.


Retrieves the value from the Style.

If the Style's field is None, falls back to default specified within the Theme.


Retrieves the value from the Style.

If the Style's field is None, falls back to default specified within the Theme.


Retrieves the value from the Style.

If the Style's field is None, falls back to default specified within the Theme.


Retrieves the value from the Style.

If the Style's field is None, falls back to default specified within the Theme.

impl Style


Style for a Button given this Style's current state.

Trait Implementations

impl Copy for Style

impl Clone for Style


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Style


Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl PartialEq for Style


This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more


This method tests for !=.