Struct conrod::text::Glyph [] [src]

pub struct Glyph<'a> { /* fields omitted */ }

A single glyph of a font. this may either be a thin wrapper referring to the font and the glyph id, or it may be a standalone glyph that owns the data needed by it.

A Glyph does not have an inherent scale or position associated with it. To augment a glyph with a size, give it a scale using scaled. You can then position it using positioned.


impl<'a> Glyph<'a>


The font to which this glyph belongs. If the glyph is a standalone glyph that owns its resources, it no longer has a reference to the font which it was created from (using standalone()). In which case, None is returned.


The glyph identifier for this glyph.


Augments this glyph with scaling information, making methods that depend on the scale of the glyph available.


Turns a Glyph<'a> into a Glyph<'static>. This produces a glyph that owns its resources, extracted from the font. This glyph can outlive the font that it comes from.

Calling standalone() on a standalone glyph shares the resources, and is equivalent to clone().

Trait Implementations

impl<'a> Clone for Glyph<'a>


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more