Struct conrod::graph::Container [] [src]

pub struct Container {
    pub maybe_state: Option<Box<Any + Send>>,
    pub type_id: TypeId,
    pub rect: Rect,
    pub depth: Depth,
    pub kid_area: KidArea,
    pub maybe_floating: Option<Floating>,
    pub crop_kids: bool,
    pub maybe_x_scroll_state: Option<StateX>,
    pub maybe_y_scroll_state: Option<StateY>,
    pub instantiation_order_idx: usize,

A container for caching a Widget's state inside a Graph Node.


Dynamically stored widget state.

The unique TypeId associated with the Widget::State.

This is equal to std::any::TypeId::of::<Widget::State>().

The rectangle describing the Widget's area.

The depth at which the widget will be rendered comparatively to its siblings.

The area in which child widgets are placed.

Whether or not the widget is a "Floating" widget.

See the Widget::float docs for an explanation of what this means.

Whether or not children widgets should be cropped to the kid_area.

Scroll related state (is only Some if this axis is scrollable).

Scroll related state (is only Some if this axis is scrollable).

Represents the Widget's position within the overall instantiation ordering of the widgets.

i.e. if foo's instantiation_order_idx is lower than bar's, it means that foo was instantiated before bar.


impl Container


Borrow the Container's unique widget State and Style if there is any.


Same as Container::state_and_style but accessed using a Widget type parameter instead of the unique State and Style types.

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for Container


Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more