Struct conrod::backend::piston::window::WindowEvents [] [src]

pub struct WindowEvents { /* fields omitted */ }

An event loop iterator

Warning: Because the iterator polls events from the window back-end, it must be used on the same thread as the window back-end (usually main thread), unless the window back-end supports multi-thread event polling.


impl WindowEvents


Creates a new event iterator with default UPS and FPS settings.


Returns the next game event.

Trait Implementations

impl Copy for WindowEvents

impl Clone for WindowEvents


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl EventLoop for WindowEvents


The number of updates per second Read more


The maximum number of frames per second Read more


Enable or disable automatic swapping of buffers.


Enable or disable benchmark mode. When enabled, it will render and update without sleep and ignore input. Used to test performance by playing through as fast as possible. Read more


The number of updates per second Read more


The maximum number of frames per second Read more


Enable or disable automatic swapping of buffers.


Enable or disable benchmark mode. When enabled, it will render and update without sleep and ignore input. Used to test performance by playing through as fast as possible. Read more

impl EventWindow<WindowEvents> for Window


receive next event from event loop and handle it