Vitis Drivers API Documentation
XV_SdiTxSs_Config Struct Reference

This typedef contains configuration information for the SDI TX core. More...

Data Fields

u16 DeviceId
 DeviceId is the unique ID of the SDI TX core. More...
UINTPTR BaseAddress
 BaseAddress is the physical base address of the subsystem address range. More...
XVidC_PixelsPerClock Ppc
 Supported Pixel per Clock. More...
u8 InsertCSTRST352
 Insert ST352 in C stream. More...
XV_SdiTxSs_SubCore SdiTx
 Sub-core instance configuration. More...
XV_SdiTxSs_SubCore Vtc
 Sub-core instance configuration. More...

Detailed Description

This typedef contains configuration information for the SDI TX core.

Each SDI TX device should have a configuration structure associated.

Field Documentation

UINTPTR XV_SdiTxSs_Config::BaseAddress

BaseAddress is the physical base address of the subsystem address range.

Referenced by main(), SdiTxSs_SelfTestExample(), XV_SdiTxSs_CfgInitialize(), XV_SdiTxSs_SubcoreInitSdiTx(), and XV_SdiTxSs_SubcoreInitVtc().

u16 XV_SdiTxSs_Config::DeviceId

DeviceId is the unique ID of the SDI TX core.

Referenced by XV_SdiTxSs_CfgInitialize().

u8 XV_SdiTxSs_Config::InsertCSTRST352

Insert ST352 in C stream.

Referenced by XV_SdiTxSs_ST352CStreamEnable(), and XV_SdiTxSs_ST352CSwitch3GA().

XVidC_PixelsPerClock XV_SdiTxSs_Config::Ppc

Supported Pixel per Clock.

XV_SdiTxSs_SubCore XV_SdiTxSs_Config::SdiTx

Sub-core instance configuration.

Referenced by XV_SdiTxSs_SubcoreInitSdiTx().

XV_SdiTxSs_SubCore XV_SdiTxSs_Config::Vtc

Sub-core instance configuration.

Referenced by XV_SdiTxSs_SubcoreInitVtc().