Vitis Drivers API Documentation
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCXDpRxSsThe DisplayPort RX Subsystem driver instance data
oCXDpRxSs_ConfigThis typedef contains configuration information for the DisplayPort Receiver Subsystem core
oCXDpRxSs_DpSubCoreDisplayPort Sub-core structure
oCXDpRxSs_Hdcp1xSubCoreHigh-Bandwidth Content Protection (HDCP) Sub-core structure
oCXDpRxSs_Hdcp22SubCoreSub-Core Configuration Table
oCXDpRxSs_IicSubCoreIIC Sub-core structure
oCXDpRxSs_SubCoreConfigThis typedef contains configuration information for the DpRxSs subcore instances
oCXDpRxSs_TmrCtrSubCoreTimer Counter Sub-core structure
\CXDpRxSs_UsrOptUser input structure