
  • Given Policy for treating sequence of events (products). Used to determine if stub return values should be consumed once (.drop), or reused (.wrap). Applies to sequence as well - .drop means remove from stack after using, while .wrap iterates over sequence indefinitely.

    • default: Use current policy specified for Mock method type
    • wrap: Default policy in general. When reaching end of sequence of events, index will rewind to beginning (looping)
    • drop: With this policy, every call drops event. When events count reaches zero, given is removed from mock.
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    public enum StubbingPolicy
  • Sequencing policy - in which order Given would be resolved. Pleas ehve in mind that this policy is applied ONLY after first ordering (based on how explicit is stub) is done.

    • lastWrittenResolvedFirst: Default policy. Last given overrides previous, if they are both with same generocity level
    • inWritingOrder: Givens would be recalled in order of generocity, respecting writing order (first line resolved first)
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    public enum SequencingPolicy