Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper

The I2MI Grouper project is an open source toolkit for managing groups.


Class Summary
Attribute Basic Hibernate Attribute DTO interface.
Composite A composite membership definition within the Groups Registry.
Field Schema specification for a Group attribute or list.
FieldFinder Find fields.
Group A group within the Groups Registry.
GroupCopy Use this class to copy a group to another stem.
GrouperAccessAdapter Grouper Access Privilege interface.
GrouperAPI Base Grouper API class.
GrouperNamingAdapter Default implementation of the Grouper NamingPrivilege interface.
GrouperSession Context for interacting with the Grouper API and Groups Registry.
GrouperSourceAdapter Source adapter for using Grouper groups as I2MI Subjects.
GroupFinder Find groups within the Groups Registry.
GroupMove Use this class to move a group to another stem.
GroupSave Use this class to insert or update a group e.g.
GroupType Schema specification for a Group type.
GroupTypeFinder Find group types.
GroupTypeTuple Basic Hibernate Group and GroupType tuple DTO implementation.
Member A member within the Groups Registry.
MemberFinder Find members within the Groups Registry.
Membership A list membership in the Groups Registry.
MembershipFinder Find memberships within the Groups Registry.
RegistrySubject A Subject local to the Groups Registry.
RegistrySubjectAttribute Hibernate representation of the JDBC SubjectAttribute table.
Stem A namespace within the Groups Registry.
StemCopy Use this class to copy a stem to another stem.
StemFinder Find stems within the Groups Registry.
StemMove Use this class to move a stem to another stem.
StemSave Use this class to insert or update a stem
SubjectFinder Find I2MI subjects.
SubjectFinder.RestrictSourceForGroup result to see if source if restricted by group

Enum Summary
FieldType Field Type.
Stem.Scope Search scope: one-level or subtree.

Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper Description

The I2MI Grouper project is an open source toolkit for managing groups.


Grouper API Overview

While there are many public classes within the Grouper API the majority of its functionality can be found in a small subset of its classes. The most important classes to familiarize yourself with are:

There is a small - but growing - selection of API usage examples.

This package has the major grouper javabeans (generally mapped to the DB via hibernate), along with "Finders" which are static methods to help query for the beans.

See Also:
Grouper Wiki