Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.exception

This package contains some of the exceptions that are thrown from Grouper


Exception Summary
AttributeAssignActionNotFoundException Exception thrown when an attribute assign action is not found within the Groups Registry.
AttributeAssignActionSetNotFoundException Exception thrown when an attribute assign action set is not found within the Groups Registry.
AttributeAssignNotAllowed Exception thrown when an attribute assignment is not allowed for some reason

AttributeAssignNotFoundException Exception thrown when an attribute value is not found within the Groups Registry.
AttributeAssignValueNotFoundException Exception thrown when an attribute assign value is not found within the Groups Registry.
AttributeDefAddException Exception thrown when an attribute def cannot be added to the Groups Registry.
AttributeDefNameAddAlreadyExistsException If there is a problem with adding a group where@SuppressWarnings("serial") a group exists by same name
AttributeDefNameAddException Exception thrown when an attribute def name cannot be added to the Groups Registry.
AttributeDefNameNotFoundException Exception thrown when an attributeDefName is not found within the Registry.
AttributeDefNameSetNotFoundException Exception thrown when an attribute def scope is not found within the Groups Registry.
AttributeDefNameTooManyResults too many attribute def names
AttributeDefNotFoundException Exception thrown when an attributeDef is not found within the Registry.
AttributeDefScopeNotFoundException Exception thrown when an attribute def scope is not found within the Groups Registry.
AttributeNotFoundException Exception thrown when a group attribute is not found.
AttributeOwnerNotInScopeException when there are scopes on an attribute def, then attribute def name cannot be assigned to an owner which is not in scope
AuditEntryNotFoundException Exception thrown when an audit entry is not found within the Groups Registry.
ExpressionLanguageMissingVariableException Exception thrown when an EL (expression language) is evaluated with a missing variable

GrantPrivilegeException Exception thrown when a prvilege cannot be granted.
GroupAddAlreadyExistsException If there is a problem with adding a group where@SuppressWarnings("serial") a group exists by same name
GroupAddException Exception thrown when a group cannot be added to the Groups Registry.
GroupDeleteException Exception thrown when a group cannot be deleted from the Groups Registry.
GrouperException Generic Grouper exception.
GrouperReadonlyException if in readonly mode from
GrouperSessionException Use this to tunnel exceptions through the GrouperSession inverse of control
GrouperStaleObjectStateException grouper specific way to say that someone else has edited this object, user should refresh object state and make changes again
GrouperStaleStateException grouper specific way to say that someone else has edited this object, user should refresh object state and make changes again
GrouperValidationException validation problem for grouper action, has a validation key which could be used for a UI key
GroupModifyAlreadyExistsException Exception thrown when a group is modified to be the same as one that already exists

GroupModifyException Exception thrown when a group cannot be modified within the Groups Registry.
GroupNotFoundException Exception thrown when a group is not found within the Groups Registry.
InsufficientPrivilegeException Exception thrown when an operation cannot be performed due to insufficient privileges.
LimitInvalidException When the validator of a limit fires an invalid value
MemberAddAlreadyExistsException when a membership already exists
MemberAddException Exception thrown when a member cannot be added to a group.
MemberDeleteAlreadyDeletedException when a member is already deleted
MemberDeleteException Exception thrown when a member cannot be removed from a group.
MemberNotFoundException Exception thrown when a member is not found within the Groups Registry.
MemberNotUniqueException Exception thrown when a member is not unique (e.g.
MembershipAlreadyExistsException Exception if a membership already exists
MembershipNotFoundException Exception thrown when a membership cannot be found.
OwnerNotFoundException Exception thrown when an {link Owner} is not found within the Groups Registry.
QueryException Exception thrown when a query problem occurs.
RevokePrivilegeException Exception thrown when privilege cannot be revoked.
RoleNotFoundException Exception thrown when an role is not found within the Registry.
RoleSetNotFoundException Exception thrown when a role set is not found within the Groups Registry.
SchemaException General Groups Registry schema exception.
SessionException Exception thrown when there is a problem with a Grouper Session.
StemAddException Exception thrown when a stem cannot be added to the Groups Registry.
StemDeleteException Exception thrown when a stem cannot be deleted from the Groups Registry.
StemModifyException Exception thrown when a stem cannot be modified within the Groups Registry.
StemNotFoundException Exception thrown when a stem is not found within the Groups Registry.
StemSetNotFoundException Exception thrown when an stem set is not found within the Groups Registry.
UnableToPerformException Exception thrown when an operation cannot be performed.

Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.exception Description

This package contains some of the exceptions that are thrown from Grouper