=== Yandex-Fotki === Contributors: adw0rd Tags: yandex, photos, images, sidebar Requires at least: 2.6 Tested up to: 2.9.1 Stable tag: trunk The plugin to display photos from photohosting "Yandeks.Fotki" to your blog on Wordpress. Current version: 2.0.1 == Description == The plugin to display photos from photohosting "Yandeks.Fotki" to your blog on Wordpress. = Features = * Show all photos of the user * Show your photos in this album * As before, you can specify the number of results extradition, but is no longer limited to 20 th * Show names of pictures * Specifying the size of thumbnail pictures == Installation == 1. Upload to your plugins folder, usually wp-content/plugins/ and unzip the file, it will create a wp-content/plugins/yandex-fotki/ directory. 2. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen. 3. Go to "Options" administration menu, select "Yandex.Fotki" from the submenu. = Requests: = * PHP5 * SimpleXML = Using = Paste the code in your theme:


== Frequently Asked Questions == Empty == Screenshots == 1. layout 1 2. layout 2 == Changelog == = 2.0.1 = * Compability Wordpress 2.7 and later = 2.0 = * Plugin rewritten from scratch by API Yandex.Fotki * Conclusion photos user (without limit of 20 photos) * Derivation of photos in this album you * Option output names photos * The option of extradition preview size photos * The plugin is added to the directory MyWordPress * The plugin is added to the directory WordPress.org