=== MContact Button === Contributors: Access Keys Tags: Messenger Button, Chat, Contact, Contact Button, Contact Messenger, Messenger, Chat, Messenger Chat, WP Messenger Donate link: http://accesspressthemes.com/donation/ Requires at least: 4.7 Tested up to: 6.0 Stable tag: 2.0.8 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == [Documentation](https://accesspressthemes.com/documentation/mcontact-button/) | [Demo](http://demo.accesspressthemes.com/wordpress-plugins/wp-fb-messenger-lite) MContact Button is a simple plugin that allows you to embed Messenger button to your WordPress website and directly connects to messenger . The plugin offers 4 different button templates, 4 animated effects, 2 different button position and color customization options - you can use it as per your preference. It integrates Messenger in your WordPress website and make the contact/connection with the clients/visitors easier and reliable. It is well tested across all the major browsers and also compatible with both mobile and desktop. MContact Button is a user friendly theme with intuitive interface and works flawlessly with any WordPress theme. = Free Features: = * 4 button templates. * 4 animated effects. * 2 different button position to display(bottom left, bottom right). * Color Customization option (button,text,icon,icon-background). * Shortcode generator. * Home Page Selection option. * Desktop Hide option. * Mobile Hide option. * Button text add option. * Cross browser support. * Compatible in both mobile and desktop. * Simple and user friendly. * Ease to use. * Works with any theme. = Premium Features: = ★ 10 attractive button templates. ★ 10 hover animation effects. ★ 8 different button position to display. Bottom Right Bottom Left Top Left Top Right Top Center Bottom Center Right Center Left Center ★ Tooltip enable option. ★ Button with text option. ★ Button text position selection option. left of icon right of icon ★ Sticky button option ★ Button with only text option ★ Tooltip text add option ★ Color Customization option Customizable button color Customizable icon color Customizable text color Customizable icon-background color ★ Page Post & Category selection options ★ Menu add option 5 different button templates available Icon only option Text add enable option in menu button can add suitable text to button Color customization option Menu enable option Menu position option available to add List the menu available in them ★ Shortcode generator ★ And many more.... = Premium Upgrade = * For premium upgrade, please go [here](https://accesspressthemes.com/wordpress-plugins/fb-messenger-button-premium-plugin/) For complete information and documentation regarding plugin,please visit below links. [Documentation](https://accesspressthemes.com/documentation/wp-messenger-button-lite/) [Demo](http://demo.accesspressthemes.com/wordpress-plugins/wp-messenger-lite/) == Installation == 1. Unzip wp-messenger-button-lite.zip 1. Upload all the files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-messenger-button-lite 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 1. For customizing the plugin's settings, click on MContact Button option menu in WordPress left admin menu. == Some Useful Links == * Support Email: support@accesspressthemes.com * Support Forum Link: http://accesspressthemes.com/support/ * Youtube channel link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjZNcVG3fDE * Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/AccessPressThemes == Frequently Asked Questions == = What does this plugin do? = This plugin connects to messenger,via wordpress. =How effective is this Messenger Plugin? = Adding this plugin to your site,your clients can directly communicate on your Messenger on single click of button = Is it device friendly ? = This plugin is compatible in both mobile and desktop. = Can I add multiple messenger user in plugin? = No, you can have add only single user in this lite version. == Screenshots == 1. Layout Settings 2. Floating Button Settings 3. Menu Settings 4. Shortcode Generator 5. Button Templates == Changelog == = 2.0.8 = * Checked compatibility with WordPress version 6.0. = 2.0.7 = * Checked compatibility with WordPress version 5.8. = 2.0.6 = * General bug fixes. * Checked compatibility with latest wordpress version. = 2.0.5 = * Did necessary code refinement = 2.0.4 = * Fixed shortcode generator's clipboard not updating feature as enabled in backend. * Refined css to fix icon/text color not updating in frontend. * Tested compatibility with WordPress version 5.5 = 2.0.3 = * Refinement in the code * Tested compatibility with WordPress version 5.3.2 = 2.0.2 = * General bug fixes and refinement in the script = 2.0.1 = * Refinement in plugin to avoid copyright infringement = 2.0.0 = * Refinement in the code = 1.0.9 = * General bug fixes and refinement in the code = 1.0.8 = * Refinement in CSS Script * Refinement in JS Script * Tested compatibility with WordPress version 5.0 = 1.0.7 = * Replacement of the messenger icon in the button templates with other icon = 1.0.6 = * Refinement in the code = 1.0.5 = * Addition of promotional description in the backend of the plugin = 1.0.4 = * Resolved the issue regarding custom css. = 1.0.3 = * Refinement in the code. * Revision of the code for translation ready. = 1.0.2 = * Fixed bug related to shortcode generator. * Fixed bugs related to display of the selected templates and button positions. * Refinement in JS Script. * Refinement in the code. = 1.0.1 = * Done the bug fixings for the display of the save message. * Done bug fixings for the settings page of floating button and shortcode generator. = 1.0.0 = * Plugin submitted to http://wordpress.org for review and approval == Upgrade Notice == There is an update available for the MContact Button Plugin. Please update to receive new updates and bug fixes.