=== WinerLinks === Contributors: danielbachhuber Tags: permalinks, pretty permalinks Requires at least: 2.9.2 Tested up to: 3.0.1 Stable tag: trunk Paragraph-level permalinks for your posts or pages == Description == WinerLinks adds paragraph-level permalinks to your posts or pages. See it in use at http://scriptingnews.com or http://pressthink.org == Installation == 1. Download the plugin from WordPress.org 2. Upload it to the wp-contents/plugins directory of your website. 3. Activate it, and decide whether you want your WinerLinks on posts and/or pages == Frequently Asked Questions == Feel free to ask questions in the forum: http://wordpress.org/tags/winerlinks == Screenshots == == Changelog == = 0.2.1 = * Bug fix: Option for whether WinerLinks appear on posts and/or pages works properly = 0.2 = * Adds WinerLinks to your RSS feed if it's enabled for posts * Enable magical showy-hidey mode to only have WinerLinks appear on hover = 0.1 = * Initial release