=== Transiz Routes - Transport and Freight === Contributors: Transiz Tags: plugin, transport, freight, cargo, load, logistics, route, trucks, truckload, carrier, transporter, shipping, auto, forwarder, transiz Requires at least: 2.5 Tested up to: 4.5.2 Stable tag: trunk Easily integrate your trucks and loads offers on your website in just no time. == Description == Are you a freight/transport company or a logistics organisation? Do you need to provide your online users with the latest offers? Transiz Routes is a plugin that will display the routes posted by a company on the freight exchange site http://www.transiz.com. To use: `[transizroutes] //shows all the offers from Transiz` `[transizroutes company=company_id] //only shows the offers of your company` Optional arguments: * company = The company ID (from your company page on Transiz) * lang = The language of the plugin. Available: "bg", "de", "en", "es", "fr", "hu", "it", "pl", "pt", "ro", "ru", "sp", "tr" (default "en") * theme = The theme of the plugin. Available: "alizarin", "belizehole", "carrot", "concrete", "emerald", "nephritis", "orange", "pomegranate", "river", "silver", "sunflower", "wetasphalt", "wisteria" (default "belizehole") * width = Width of plugin, in px or % (default 100%) * height = Height of plugin, in px or % (default 500px) == Installation == The plugin is simple to install: 1. Download `transizroutes.zip` 1. Unzip 1. Upload `transizroutes` directory to your `/wp-content/plugins` directory 1. Go to the plugin management page and enable the plugin 1. Place `[transizroutes]` or `[transizroutes company=company_id]` in your templates == Screenshots == 1. Sample website using the plugin with river theme 2. Sample website using the plugin with wetasphalt theme 3. Sample website using the plugin with orange theme == Documentation == Full documentation can be found on the [Transiz Routes Plugins](http://plugins.transiz.com/) page. == Changelog == = 1.0 = * First version