=== Plugin Name === Contributors: ojuan Donate link: http://olive.juan.free.fr/blog/index.php/thumbnails-manager-plugin-for-wordpress/ Tags: images, admin Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 2.2.3 Stable tag: 0.7 Thumbnails Manager helps you to manage your thumbnails within the administrator panel. You can define a default ratio for thumbnail creation, rename, change the description or even delete your thumbnails. == Description == Thumbnails Manager helps you to manage your thumbnails within the administrator panel. You can define a default ratio for thumbnail creation, rename, change the description or even delete your thumbnails. This is the very first time I release one of my own plugin. Maybe because it is a little bit more finished than the previous ones even if I canŐt say I spent a lot of time on this one. WellÉ In other words, be indulgent and please give me helping comments and any wish for the next version. A small list of features: * Change the default ratio for the thumbnails. * Display images by pages. * Rebuild thumbnails. * Rename and change the description. * Resize of thumbnails. * Delete of images. * Thumbnails creation size strategy: scaling, maximum size, fixed size New in v0.7: * Thumbnails creation size strategy: scaling, maximum size, fixed size * A bug correction (impossible to save ratio value) == Installation == 1. Download And unzip the files 2. Upload `thumbnails.php` and `thumbnails.inc.php` into the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or `/wp-content/plugins/thumbnails-manager/` directory 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 4. Go to the Manage Panel within the administration section and then go to the Thumbnails page. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Any Question ? =