=== Plugin Name === Contributors: adiian Donate link: Tags: social, social bookmarking, bookmark, bookmarking, bookmarks, post, posts, Digg, Reddit, del.icio.us, delicious, dzone, stumbleupon, blinklist, blogmarks, furl, newsvine, technorati, magnolia, SEO, link, links Requires at least: 2.3.1 Tested up to: 2.5.1 Stable tag: 1.1 SocioFluid is a Social Bookmarking Plugin, displaying small icons, which grows when the mouse is moved over, similar to mac effect. SocioFluid plugin uses jquery with jqdock plugin to render the “mac effect”. == Description == = Features = * Icons for major Social Bookmarking websites: Digg, Reddit, del.icio.us, dzone, stumbleupon, blinklist, blogmarks, furl, newsvine, technorati, magnolia. More to be added in the next versions. * "mac effect" - when the mouse is over the icons they grow. SocioFluid plugin uses jquery with icondock plugin to render the “mac effect”. * Administration Panel to select only the desired Social Bookmarking sites. * New features for SocialFluid can be requested on [project page on openversion.com](http://www.openversion.com/projects/sociofluid). You can check SocioFluid plugin in action on its [homepage on improveseo.info](http://www.improveseo.info/sociofluid-wordpress-social-bookmarking-plugin/) = Release Notes = Version 1.1: * New buttons for other social bookmarking sites: Sphinn, TwitThis, Mixx, Meneame * Customizable CSS Style for the box containing the icons * Nofollow attribute added to the links * Links can be configured from admin panel to be opened in new windows * The buttons can be generated in custom places(by calling a php function inside the php scripts, template scripts) == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. 1. Upload the files to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = I want to add another Social Bookmarking icon for AnotherDigg.com = You have 2 options. 1. change yourself the plugin. 2. Let me know what do you need. The best way is to add the desired feature on openversion.com and you'll get a notification when the feature is implemented. Just follow the link in the admin pannel to request a new button. = I need a new feature = See the previous point. == Screenshots == 1. This is how the plugin looks like 2. The admin panel