=== Plugin Name === Contributors: vanderwijk Tags: admin, clean, shadow, interface Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 3.2 Stable tag: trunk Remove the shadow on the left menu bar of the new WordPress 3.2 admin interface. == Description == This plugin is for aesthetics only; it removes the shadow on the left menu bar of the WP admin interface which was introduced in version 3.2 Gershwin. [Remove Admin Shadow at VanderWijk.com](http://www.vanderwijk.com/updates/remove-wordpress-3-2-admin-shadow-plugin/) == Screenshots == 1. Before activating the plugin 2. After activating the plugin == Installation == 1. Upload plugin files 1. Activate plugin 1. Go to Settings > Header Cleanup 1. Select options to remove 1. Save it 1. Done! == Frequently Asked Questions == None at this point. [Contact me](http://www.vanderwijk.com/contact/) if you have any and I'll add them here.