=== Plugin Name === Contributors: ChrisBuck Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SPAZAZLTNNRXG Tags: recent posts, posts, post, recent, views, post views, counter, widget, sidebar Requires at least: 2.8.0 Tested up to: 3.3.3 Stable tag: 1.5 Displays the most recent posts in a widget, how many times they have been viewed over last (n) days, and images for popularity. == Description == This plugin requires the WP-PostViews plugin to be installed and setup to work correctly. (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-postviews/) This plugin displays a widget in the sidebar with the most recently viewed posts over the last 2 days, the number of times they were viewed, a link to each, and images corresponding to whether they were "hot" posts or not (calculated as a percentage of the most viewed post). == Installation == 1. Upload `recent-post-views.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 1. Put the post in the sidebar via the 'Widgets' menu, save a title for the widget. 1. Use the shortcode [recentpostviews] in your pages and posts. See FAQ's for more info. Accepts "cat", "posts", and "days" as inputs. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I use the shortcode? = The basic format is [recentpostviews], which will by default show a list of the top 7 posts, from all categories, over the last 2 days. Options are "cat", "posts" and "days". * "cat" is the category ID. * "posts" is the number of posts you want to display. * "days" is the number of days back you want the shortcode to query, as in "over the last (n) days." Example: [recentpostviews cat="5" posts="10" days="3"] *This would display the 10 most recent posts from category 5 over the last 3 days. If you're not getting any results for the shortcode, try changing the number of days. By default, the "hotlevel" for posts is 75% or .75 in the shortcode. E.g., a post will not show up as "hot" unless it is greater than or equal to the post with the most number of views over the same time frame. = How can I change options, like what is considered a "recent" post? = Just add the widget and select your options. = I have multiple widgets, and some of them have posts that are viewed the same number of times, but one is not a "hot" post. What gives? = Whether a post is hot or not is dependent on the max number of views for any post over the timeframe you have selected. E.g., if you have a widget based on the last 3 days and one based on the last 7, the level for a "hot" post will be different. I'm planning on changing this in a future update, such that the max number of posts for a particular category will be calculated. = The number of views for my posts are not updating, why? = I actually had this issue myself, and discovered that it's because the postmeta table was not updating the number of views. As a temporary solution, I installed the WP-PostViews plugin (at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-postviews/) and enabled the option in the settings menu that said to register views from everyone, not just guests. Thanks to GamerZ for a great plugin, and for helping to fix this issue. If you're having this problem, I suggest that recent-post-views should be used in conjunction with WP-PostViews. == Screenshots == 1. As you see from the screenshot, you get a nice sidebar widget with posts titles, links to the post, and a count of the recent number of views. == Changelog == = 1.5 = * Added settings sub-menu with styling options. * Fixed list and table code for widgets and shortcode. = 1.4 = * Added shortcode functionality. * Minor changes to the table tags in the widget. = 1.3 = * Prefixed all the variable names and made the paths to image files relative. * This should be a more stable release, one that can co-exist peacefully with other plugins. = 1.2 = * Minor bug fix = 1.1 = * Added option to set threshold percent level for "hot" posts. * Added option to change html color code for number of views. = 1.0 = * Adds option to change number of posts and to select specific categories. = 0.5 = * Adds option to widget to change number of days for recent posts. = 0.1 = * First release, displays most recent posts views over last 2 days. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.5 = * Adds styling options in settings and fixes table and list code. = 1.4 = * Adds new shortcode functionality. = 1.3 = * Prefixes variable names and creates relative paths to image files, for more stable plugin. = 1.2 = * Minor bug fix = 1.1 = * Adds options for changing "hot" posts and some styling of the widget. = 1.0 = * Adds option to change number of posts and to select specific categories. = 0.5 = Change how many days old until posts are no longer considered "recent."