=== Price Per 100 Grams === Plugin URI: https://omarideh.com/wp-plugins Requires at least: 4.7 Requires PHP: 7.0 Version: 1.1 Author: Omar Dieh Author URI: https://omardieh.com/ Donate link: https://omardieh.com/ Tags: WooCommerce, Product Weight, Free Plugin Tested up to: 5.9 Stable tag: 1.1 Contributors: omardieh License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to modify or edit the options of this plugin ? = this plugin has no options to modify, once you activate it it will work, that is all. = Is this Plugin for free ? = Yes, it is totally free. enjoy and share if you like it. = Can i edit the styles of the elements ? Yes, you can access them through targeting class names : "price_per_100_single" and "price_per_100_category" == Screenshots == 1. an example from WooCommerce single category page. 2. an example from WooCommerce single product page. == Changelog == = 1.1 = * Fixed readme description section. * Renamed screenshots to match order. = 1.0 = * Added readme file. * Added styles classes. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.1 = Easy way to show price per 100gm or 1kgm, just install and activate, no need to configurate. == Description == Just Activate - No Options Needed - Show WooCommerce Product Price Per 100 gram on single product page and single category page if the product weight is equal or less than 250 grams, if more than that it will show the price per 1kg. It also works on sale products and it will change the price dynamically when sale date ends. You can access them through targeting class names : "price_per_100_single" and "price_per_100_category". FREE PLUGIN - show support rate 5 stars and share :). == Installation == 1. install the plugin 2. activate. 3. to modify elements styles you can use the class names : a. "price_per_100_single" for WooCommerce single product page b. "price_per_100_category" for WooCommerce product single category page 4. thats all, enjoy this FREE PLUGIN - show support rate 5 stars and share :).