=== PostSaver === Contributors: Jake Evans Donate link: https://ko-fi.com/A8385C9 Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 5.8 Stable tag: 1.0.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html A WordPress Plugin allowing visitors to create an account and save blog posts for future viewing! == Description == A WordPress Plugin allowing visitors to create an account and save blog posts for future viewing! == Installation == **Method** **1)** Simply drop this folder (unzipped) into your WordPress plugin directory (/wp-content/plugins). **Method** **2)** In the WordPress admin dashboard, click on ‘Plugins’ on the left-hand side, click on ‘Add New’ towards the very top of the page, click on ‘Upload Plugin’, and upload the ‘postsaver.zip’ file you downloaded. == Screenshots == == Frequently Asked Questions == **How do I get started?** - Simply place this shortcode on a page: [postsaver_login_shortcode]. Once completed, log out of your site and visit that page like you're a regular visitor to your own website, and you'll see the registration form that users fill out to start saving posts! **Where's my "Dashboard" page?** - Upon activating this plugin, a new page should be created on your site titled "Your Saved Posts," that contains this shortcode: [postsaver_login_shortcode]. Log out of your website and visit this page as if you were a regular visitor to your own site, and you should see a login/account creation form. Fell free to place that shortocde on what ever page you'd like! Just be sure to update your "Dashboard Page" on the administrative PostSaver Settings page. **How do Vistors save my Blog Posts?** - With this plugin activated, your visitors will see some text and a small "Heart" icon appended to the ends of your Blog Post titles. Simply click on that heart to save a post. They'll be redirected to your Dashboard Page, where they'll either login (if not already logged in), or create an account to then save that post. == Changelog == **v1.0.0** - Initial Release of the PostSaver plugin. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.0 = Initial Release of the PostSaver plugin.