=== PeoplePond Online Identity Widget === Contributors: Al Castle Donate link: Tags: identity, professional, visibility, share, content, networking, social, publishing, seo, community, services, ADAM, api, about me, about, widget AutoDiscovery, authenticate Requires at least: 2.0 Tested up to: 2.8 Stable tag: trunk Extends the reach of your PeoplePond profile & verified identity. Displays a badge detailing who you are & where you can be found. == Description == Extend the reach and usability of your [PeoplePond](http://www.peoplepond.com) profile, including your verified identity, with the PeoplePond Identity Widget in the sidebar of your WordPress blog. It will display a badge to your blog readers detailing who you are and what other services they can follow you on. A PeoplePond profile is the hub of your online identity. It serves to train the search engines about you and where to find all your best online assets. It also provides a single location for your followers from where you can prove your identity and exert ownership over your online assets. This provides your followers with the assurance that you are who you say you are and that your accounts, blogs, etc. are really yours and not someone pretending to be you. When you update your profile, your widget will be automatically updated keeping everything up-to-date with a minimum of effort. Your name, title/tagline, picture, and identity verification indicator are all displayed over a graphical display of all the services that you have included in the online identity section of your PeoplePond profile. Learn more [about PeoplePond](http://www.peoplepond.com/about.php) profiles or [sign up](http://www.peoplepond.com/register.php) now for your free PeoplePond profile. = Create an always up-to-date "About Me" page = - Also see the [PeoplePond WordPress plugin](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/peoplepond/) to create an always up-to-date "About Me" page. = Need to setup your PeoplePond account? = - Please [click here](http://peoplepond.com/register.php) to register. = Note to Drupal, MoveableType, TypePad, Blogger Users: = - Check out the [other identity portability](http://www.peoplepond.com/adam.php) tools we have available. = PeoplePond currently supports over 500 services including: = - Everything. Seriously. And we can verify most of them. == Installation == - Install plugin either by uploading to your wp-content/plugins directory or via the Plugins upload form. == Frequently Asked Questions == - None. == Screenshots == - Screenshot of the widget in use. Makes a live API call to the PeoplePond service. - Screenshot of the configuration in the dashboard. == Changelog == = 0.1 = * Initial version.