=== Ozh' Tweet Archiver === Donate link: http://planetozh.com/exit/donate Tags: ozh, twitter, archive, import, tweets, hashtags Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 9.9 Stable tag: trunk Contributors: ozh Import and archive your tweets with WordPress == Description == Make a fresh WordPress install and archive all your tweets: * It's easier to search than on Twitter * WordPress is not limited to the most recent 3200 tweets * It will automatically expand all those ugly `t.co` links * All your #hashtags can be converted to WordPress tags Plugin's page: [Ozh' Tweet Archiver](http://planetozh.com/blog/my-projects/ozh-tweet-archiver-backup-twitter-with-wordpress/ "Ozh' Tweet Archiver") Live example: [Ozh' Tweets](http://planetozh.com/tweets/ "Ozh' Tweets") Development: [on Github](https://github.com/ozh/ozh-tweet-archiver) == Screenshots == 1. Config page == Changelog == The changelog can be found: 1. In the plugin source itself 1. Here: https://github.com/ozh/ozh-tweet-archiver == Installation == Installation is, as usual : 1. Upload files to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory (preserve sub-directory structure if applicable) 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Refer to the official plugin page for documentation, usage and tips