=== NS Featured Posts === Contributors: rabmalin Donate link: http://nilambar.net/2014/07/ns-featured-posts-wordpress-plugin.html Tags: post, custom post type, custom, posts, meta, plugin, featured, featured-post, page Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 4.6 Stable tag: 1.4.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html A plugin for making posts, pages or custom post types featured. User can enable/disable Featured for selected post types. == Description ==

NS Featured Posts

This plugin add checkbox for each list item. You can easily check / uncheck the Featured. Checking the Featured will set the meta value **yes** for meta key **_is_ns_featured_post**. From plugin settings, you can choose to which post types you want Featured functionality. = Using in theme = This plugin only set / unset the meta key for asigned post. You need to implement it in your theme to get Featured functionality. Example: `$query = new WP_Query( array( 'meta_key' => '_is_ns_featured_post', 'meta_value' => 'yes' ) );` This will fetch the list of post which are checked as Featured. **Want to see how this can be used in a Page Template?** [Click this link to see example](https://gist.github.com/ernilambar/ad31b89b459e954fc950) == Installation == = Using The WordPress Dashboard = 1. Navigate to the 'Add New' Plugin Dashboard 1. Select 'ns-featured-posts.zip' from your computer 1. Upload 1. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugin Dashboard 1. Place the 'NS Featured Posts Widget' into a Widget area through the 'Appearance -> Widgets' menu in WordPress. = Using FTP = 1. Extract 'ns-featured-posts.zip' to your computer 1. Upload the 'ns-featured-posts' directory to your 'wp-content/plugins' directory 1. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugins dashboard 1. Place the 'NS Featured Posts Widget' into a Widget area through the 'Appearance -> Widgets' menu in WordPress. == Frequently Asked Questions == = There is something cool you could add... = Nice, make a post on the [Support Forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/ns-featured-posts "NS Featured Posts Support") and let us know. We are always looking for ways to improve our plugins. == Screenshots == 1. Admin Settings page 2. Example of featured in Post listing == Changelog == = 1.4.0 = * Fix: Allow Editor to toggle checkbox * Compatibility with WP 4.6 * Fix: Minor Bug fixes = 1.3 = * Fix: Minor Bug fixes = 1.2 = * Fix: Minor Bug fixes = 1.1 = * New: Metabox added in edit screen to enable/disable featured * Fix: Minor Bug fixes * Compatibility: Compatibility check with WP 4.2 = 1.0.2 = * Bug fixes = 1.0.1 = * Add Featured Posts Widget * Bug fixes = 1.0.0 = * Initial release == Upgrade Notice == NS Featured Posts